Monday, June 30, 2008

Dad's Visit with Dr. Lichstein

Dad saw Dr. Lichstein this morning. He was quite animated at first, telling Dr. Lichstein about being stationed in Washington DC and how his ship's propeller had to be fixed.

Dad's blood pressure seemed a bit high about 155, but Dr. Lichstein said that the bp readings seem to run higher in his office. His weekly pressure runs about 124 systolic.

Dr. Lichstein is prescribing a cream to help with Dad's itching. He thinks Benadryl is not so great, (because it causes some confusion), but Claritin ok for his itch. I explained that I only give it to him at bedtime though, so he was alright with that. He also stopped the Oxybutyn, saying that it can also cause confusion. (Dad probably doesn't need to worry about frequent urination at this point in time). Dad also has his blood drawn for thyroid function.

I was wondering if Dad was hearing as well, as he asks "what" a lot. The nurse removed a lot of wax from his ears, but couldn't remove some from his right ear. Dad was complaining too much. She explained that it can really hurt when it is ripped off the ear drum. We will put ear drops in his right ear for a few days.

Dad is only going to Senior Services once a week now on Mondays. Ilene wants to stay through Thursdays. This week she will have Friday off since it is the Fourth of July. I will stay with Dad that day.

I have gotten in the summer habit of eating a light breakfast on Sundays with Dad, then watch Sunday Morning on CBS, do some yoga (Dad sometimes stretches, sometimes snoozes), then order the lunch, keep it warm in the oven for a couple of hours, eat about 2 pm, go to my house, feed the cats, watch golf, come back in the evening, watch sixty minutes on CBS, have salad and pizza, watch something light. Then wake up Monday morning and go to senior services about 11 am or so.

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