Monday, November 10, 2008

Dad and the Election

A few weeks ago I requested a absentee ballot for Dad. I asked him though what he wanted to vote for Democrat or Republican, I didn't want to assume anything, but I was very glad he said Democrat. He didn't say much else, but he told Dot today that he knew that there had been an election and that the Democrats won. When she asked him who won he said Obama.

This past Friday Dad was not sleepy at all. He wanted to know where his money was and wanted to see a pay statement. I found the bank statement and he was very angry about how the money was being spent, saying he couldn't afford it. I told Bettie that he was wide awake but she still said she wouldn't mind coming in. She was worried it upset me--it did a little, but not as much as she assumed. But I was glad to leave Dad that evening.

Sunday he was very sleepy most of the day. He revived again in the evening, telling me how stupid I was, etc. That he couldn't afford to spend $100,000 a month. Oh well. It does make me think a bit about how I spend the money!

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