Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I called Dad on Dec. 24, and spoke to him. He was glad to hear from me, and wished me a Merry Christmas back. I asked him what he remembered or liked most about Christmas when he was a kid, and he said that he most liked waking up early in the morning to see the tree with all the others, and his father blowing the horn. I think I had forgotten that that tradition came from Grandpa Dancy! (Mom confirmed later that's where they got the idea.) He also spoke about his medication and that he would be okay if they didn't kill him first, and something about what he saw on tv about the medication killing people and with the tree (I had asked him about a Christmas tree where he was), but that his aide told him he should just do what the aide told him (take the medicine). Overall, he was about 60% coherent, and glad to chat. He didn't seem to have changed much since the summertime.

The next day, I called Cathy's house, and spoke to him again. He was enjoying the good food and the presents, and that he didn't deserve it all (or something to that effect). He was clearly in a good mood.

Love to all,


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Dad and Mom came over on Sunday, also Suzie, Jacob and Jason ate also. I had to divide a lasagne casserole into small portions, but I made up for it with homemade bread sticks, peas and mushrooms and also a filling peanut butter chocolate pie.

Dad is doing okay though twice recently he put his pants on backwards, (they are sweat pants and dont' have zippers, though one has a pocket). Suzie joked that Dad was wearing "Zubu" pants, which are cool!

Mom still can not read normal print, but she can read the large print books I think and watch TV. One of her friends has had the operations five times in the last year. She will change the font on her computer to larger.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

We played a scrabble game on Mom's birthday. It went well--Dad did not have to ask any questions about the play. Dad won the game, and I didn't try to let him either! (that may not be saying much!). It went fast because we had only 40 minutes to play.

We had cake on Sunday (two days earlier) at my house. It was a yellow cake with fudge filling and chocolate butter cream icing. Also, barbecue pork, corn, and spinach souffle.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Well, Dad went to the beach in August and seemed to enjoy himself. At least it was a change of scenery.

Not much going on lately. We mostly play Dominos and sit. Dad is quiet most of the time.

When Dad comes over we mostly watch the golf on TV. He always ask what he should do when we sit down to eat, not sure why he asks.

Next week Dad will be going to dermatologist again. He usually has one or two spots that need to be "frozen". It makes me wonder if I will be doing the same thing in 30 years!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dad seemed to enjoy the beach ball toss that happened while I was visiting him. Most of the other people just gingerly tossed it back, but Dad had a volley going with the lady! Afterwards, we walked up and down the halls a couple of times.

The last few times Dad has eaten at my house, he has been eating very slowly. Uusally he sits at the table for at least 15 minutes later than Mom and I.

He seems to enjoy watching the golf on TV when he visits. (He doesn't get to watch it at the home.)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

When I got back Dad didn't seem to notice that Mom hadn't seen him for four days. Since I dont' see him every day I thought he might not notice that I hadn't been there, but Mom and I were surprised that he didn't notice that she hadn't been there for four days.

Dad was angry at Marion though. She comes up a lot and touches people. She came up to Mom and tried to touch here and this time Dad grabbed her arm and said to go away. Mom said Charley don't grab at her. She walked away though. Usually if you ignore her she does not come up. Also Mom or I sometimes take her hand and lead her to the other living area. It is difficult.

Last week she kept touching another man and he finally slapped her and the nurses said not to slap her, she doesn't know what she is doing, just move away, and he was angry because he didn't see why he had to move away he liked sitting where he was!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I have had a lot of sickness which has affected my relationship with Dad.

But yesterday he squeezed my hand as if to say everything was okay. It did make everything seem better!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I spoke to Dad on Saturday, May 28, to thank him for his service in the Navy as it was Memorial Day weekend. He recognized me and appreciated the call. He thought that Mom wanted him to take a train ride to a memorial of some sort, and then said it was to go see Barbara and Russ. I also mentioned Norman and Allen's service in the military, and he said that they were going to be at the memorial, too, but in a "backward fashion" because they were dead. So, it was a bit funny how he worded it, but he was aware of the current situation!

As a side note, from the voices in the background, it sounded like he was either in a wheelchair, or coming over to the phone and getting in a chair of some sort. He was in his room when I called, and they went and got him.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I called Cathy's house on May 1, just to check in with everyone. After speaking with Cathy, she passed the phone to Dad. He sounded cheerful and aware, although he said that he worries about things (like money), even though Mom tells him not to.

I really appreciate that Cathy is able to keep up with having Mom and Dad over for dinner each Sunday. It's a very nice tradition.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Sometimes it is so difficult to be with Dad. I have to answer all his questions about using the toilet. He forgets if he has brushed his teeth, shaved and even whether he has flushed the toilet just a few minutes before.

But he is still pleasant to be around. Sometimes I want to cry though, for what I miss about him that is gone, for what is to come (not sure), and for my own lonliness.

It is better that I be around him than be at home where I feel alone and useless.

I just have to pray for the strength to get through each day!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Yesterday Dad and I talked about Jason. Jason is moving back in with me. I am not sure how long. He wants to work in Winston-Salem. It is the same company that he works for in Charlotte, but they have branches in WS and Greensboro. Dad said he hopes Jason doesn't go back on drugs. I hope so too!!

We played cribbage again. We stayed even most of the game. It is easier than talking sometimes.

Dad seems okay most of the time, he just doesn't make much sense when he talks. Through all the confusion I can understand his feelings--sometimes frustrated, sometimes worried, sometimes confused.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Yesterday Dad and I did something different. I set up the plastic bowling pins. Dad bowled a couple of times making a strike from a chair! I made a spare. He then walked around the room a bit like he was trying to exercise.

Monday, March 28, 2005

I'm heading back to Vancouver today. Yesterday, we took Dad to Cathy's for supper. She made a very nice soy-marinated steak, with fried rice - strawberries and ice cream for dessert. Dad was pretty much the same as he has been most of the week, not really able to have too much of a conversation. We watched golf and some basketball.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

On Thursday, I was able to review Dad's chart at Homestead Hills. I was primarily interested in reviewing the notes from his recent hospital stay and seeing what medications he is currently on. The records include an admittance record, and also a detailed report upon discharge. Here is the information on diagnosis of condition (by hospital doctor, Jamehl Demons):
1. Acute renal failure with secondary hypernatremia
2. Coagulopathy
3. Diverticulosis
4. History of GI Bleed
5. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) with urgent continence
6. History of acute renal failure
7. History of recurrent hypernatremia
8. History of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolus
9. Microcytic anemia
10. Hypokalemia

The acute renal failure was likely the cause of Dad's symptoms (confusion and lethargy, not eating or drinking, and eventual dehydration). His creatin level was 2.5 on admittance (normal range .5 - 1.4).

Dad was given a CT to determine if there was evidence of stroke - none. He was given fresh frozen plasma, and the coumadin medication was stopped (the level appeared to be too high - the doctor noted the condition of DVT/PE (?) was 2 years ago and there was no documentation of hypercoagulable state persisting).

Dad was prescribed Oxybutynin for the urge incontinence associated with the BPH.

His current medications include:
Aricept (donepezil hydrochloride) - 10mg 1xday
Namenda - 10mg 2xday
Norvasc (amlodipine) - 5mg 1xday
Vit B12 injection - 1xmonth
Oxybutynin - 5 mg 2xday
The aricept and nameda are for the dementia. The norvasc is for hypertension.

I've done a little research on the ARF and BPH to try and better understand what is involved and what potential treatment or preventive measures might be useful. Probably need to to do more to really understand - and then have a discussion with Dr. Herman as well.

BPH is essentially an enlarged prostate. This apparently causes problems with urination - constant urge without ability to fully empty the bladder. The fact that the bladder is not fully emptied is what can cause the kidney problems, or urinary tract infection. Although Dr. Herman mentioned UTI to Barb when she talked with him following Dad's hospital admittance, the records do not actually mention this at all - nor any indication that he received antibiotics for an infection. However, the ARF I think must be related to the BPH condition - which likely has existed for some time. I certainly remember Dad complaining about having to pee and not being able to for some time before he entered Homestead Hills. I haven't reviewed many earlier records to determine if he was treated for this. Research indicates several drug treatments to reduce the symptoms of BPH and in some cases to reduce the BPH itself. Surgery is also sometimes done to treat the BPH.

It appears Dad has had ARF before according to the records. I'm not sure if this was also the cause of his hospitalization in November of 2003 or not. And it would seem there is some danger of this becoming Chronic Renal Failure, As near as I can tell this is the most serious concern with Dad's physical health.

As to his mental state, I'm sorry to report that after my first visit on Wednesday, when he seemed very alert and coherent, he has reverted to a very confused state during the past 3 days. He talks in nonsensical terms (e.g., going to the toilet so he could make payments on the mortgages) much of the time when trying to have a conversation. (Mom and Cathy cofirm that this is his state more often than not). Nonetheless, he is still quite capable of playing a mean game of scrabble - and he never has any difficulty knowing who people are. He gets caught up in the other residents' problems - which are also quite confused of course - but Dad doesn't recognize that they are not aware of reality. He gets rather angry with one woman who has a habit of coming up and wanting to touch him (and others), fiddling with his clothes. When I mentioned that she really didn't know what she was doing, he insisted she did it on purpose.

Dad is still somewhat better than when he was in his worst condition. He uses a walker - but doesn't really need it much of the time. He is able to take care of his personal needs for the most part, though some prompting is required sometimes. The nurses' notes indicate that he occasionally gets up at night, and of course is not fully aware of where he is.

I noted the discharge record indicated a follow-up visit with Dr. Herman should occur wihtin 2-4 weeks, but I did not see any record of such a visit. Wanda said the record might be in someone's office and she would check into it on Monday. Mom will follow up with her, as I am travelling back to Vancouver that day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I arrived in W-S last night. Went to visit with Dad this morning. He seems very well and alert - happy to see me and Cathy. We had quite a nice chat. Dad started telling stories about his youth in NO with his family. I can't recall what led to this, but I found it very interesting. I never really talked with him about this before and didn't have a real sense of their life. Apparently (like many families in those days, I imagine) there were a number of related family members living with them from time to time (other than just the immediate family). He mentioned how Grandpa's clients often sent turkeys or chickens (live ones). When I asked if Grandma had to pluck them, he said no - her mom was living with them and did most of the cooking. There were also apparently several young Spanish women who stayed with them at one time - he seemed to think they were related to John Rosado. There was also a woman and her son, who he couldn't recall the exact relationship to (some relative of his father's). He talked about helping out a dairy man with boxes, and how he hung out at the drug store (soda fountain) with his friends. He claims he had figured out how to tell which candies had prizes inside (apparently some of the candies contained a coupon for a free dixie cup ice cream) - by the sheen on the chocolate. Dad always was pretty crafty, I guess. He said he never shared this secret, but did hand out prizes to his friends sometimes. Cathy said she couldn't believe all those people lived in the house - which she has seen (I haven't), but Dad mentioned he slept with 3 or 4 others in the same bedroom.

Dad does seem to be inconsistent in some things. He looked at his watch at one point. He couldn't seem to figure out how to tell the time - and was trying to work it out somehow. I noticed the watch was way off - so I reset it and told him the time. I also just reminded him about counting the minutes by five with the numbers. Later, when he looked at the watch again, he didn't hesitate in saying what the time was.

I'm heading back again to visit this afternnoon - we'll play scrabble, I think.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

We played Cribbage yesterday. Dad was ahead but Mom and I were right behind him at the end.

I try to visit once or twice a week and Dad usually comes over on Sundays for dinner.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

We played Scrabble yesterday. This was the first time in a long time that I didn't want to win! I was ahead at one point though (naturally). But Dad pulled out ahead and won the game!

Dad seemed happy afterwards. He walked fairly fast (with walker) down to the dining room like he knew where he was going.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Dad talked a lot today. He was talking about Jennie putting the dust in the water. (was he talking about ashes?). I think he was talking about Uncle Allen. I am not sure. He then said a lot of nonsense, like the dust was in his bed, etc. But then we went and played Scrabble, and he played fine with no problems.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dad had a rough week at the hospital, having to have an IV and a catheter. He still doesn't really want to drink water though, so things do not look good. He does eat okay though.

Hopefully the nurses will try to get Dad to drink.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I sat with Dad while he ate his breakfast. He seemed bored and played with the eggs and grits, mashing them up. He had already eaten his cereal but denied it. He did drink some of his orange juice and the bacon and a bite of toast.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Not much going on this month. I played Scrabble with Dad. We didn't keep score. It was just as much fun.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Not much going on this month. Dad seems to be doing okay. But I am tired a lot.
We had a nice meal at the home of pizza, roasted red potatoes, chef salad and ice cream sundae!
I hope to write more next month!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Russ, Faye and I visited Mom and Dad for a few days around New Year's 2005. He was very glad to see us, and recognized us right away, saying our names. Dad played dominoes with us, needing a fair amount of direction, but had fun. Russ and I took him to play miniature golf. He wasn't sure if he should, but we said "come on," so he did. We went to Cedar Pointe which is nearby and not too hilly or too many steps. We had a great time - Dad would put the walker aside to putt, and took good care to putt. He got the only hole in one, and pars and birdies, too. It was a beautiful day for Dec. 30, about 65 degrees.

We also had dinner at Mom's with Suzie and her boyfriend, Jacob, along, too. Dad thought he needed to save some of his spaghetti for "the fellow" at the unit, and we couldn't convince him otherwise, so gave up. We played Scrabble with Cathy/Mom and Suzie, and Dad won, although I did help him a bit, but he put out some good words and combinations on his own, too.

On New Year's Eve, we all went over to Beau and Page's new house, which was quite beautiful; Dad enjoyed walking around it, and even went upstairs without the walker to see the rooms.