Friday, November 30, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy has been sleeping very well
at night,he was up this morning at 7:30
Am.I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath
Back-rub,skin care and used the ear drops
To clean out ear wax. Early in the morning
After breakfast we went for a walk and
Did our exercise routine, after lunch i got
Out the map for Mr Dancy and he also painted
A xmas tree.Mr Dancy had a good day and
his appetite was good eating 100% today.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a nice day,he was up
This morning at 7:30 am,i assisted him in
The bathroom before breakfast. We did our
Exercise routine this morning and later
Went for a walk.we worked on puzzles
And the map most of this week. His
Appetite was good,eating at 100%. Mr
Dancy is watching tv at this time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am, i assisted him in the bathroom afterwards
He ate a good breakfast and we left for senior
Services . I picked him up at 4:15 and arrived
At his home 4:45.He ate supper around 5:30.
He is now relaxing by the tv.Ilene

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am,after a shower.sitz bath , back-rub
And skin care it was time for breakfast.
I gave him his pm benadryl and morning
Claritin 2 times in the am,i also used the
Lux'iq'' on his scalp to help with the itching,
He isnt itching or breaking out as much
As before.His appetite is good,eating 100%
Today and yesterday.He is relaxing by
the tv,watching a xmas program.Ilene

Monday, November 26, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, i arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3:45.
I picked his supper up and he ate dinner
At 5;30,eating 95%.He is watching tv at
This time.Ilene

Turkey Weekend

Friday I helped put up the tree. Dad said his itching was so bad that he wanted to die! I gave him some benadryl again.

Bettie stayed over on Friday evening because she was working late that night and it was convenient for both of us (so I could get to exercise class on time on Saturday).

On Sunday afternoon I made some clam corn chowder. It was a fairly easy recipe and tasted much better than Campbell's. I sprinkled it with bacon and served it with a salad.

This afternoon I got Dad an appontment with Dr. Southard the dermatologist. He said to give him Claritin 2x in the am and Benadryl 1x in the pm. He kept insisting I get a large quantity at Sam's. But I said that I wanted to go to CVS instead. Oh well!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day was a very warm day--about 60 degrees. Suzie and Jacob came over and helped me bring the dinner back from the dining hall. There was enough from three boxes to feed us all, so had some leftovers!

I accidentally brought over pumpkin pies instead of sweet potato pies, but the pumpkin tasted quite good. I also had some Sara Lee pumpkin cheesecake as well that I had purchased at the store.

Later we went over to my house and had a simple supper of tomato soup and chow mein noodles. I had planned to make some clam chowder but forgot to buy the bacon and potato. So I will make it later this weekend.

I also set up the Xmas tree yesterday. I will do the decorating in stages so it will be easy. Hopefully Suzie and Jacob will stop by sometime to help, or perhaps Ilene and Dad can put up some ornaments next week. [I had also set up the Xmas tree at work. It was okay because there wasn't anybody at the library on Wednesday evening so it kept me occupied.]

Sometime I need to take Dad to get a replacement ID card as I accidentally threw his away. [I put it in a plastic bag and got it mixed up with the plastic bags filled with trash.] It is convenient to get it at the VA across from Homestead Hills.

Dad also has to see the dermatologist next week, as his rash on his chest doesn't want to go away. I have started to give him some Benadryl for it once a day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi.Mr Dancy was up at the usual time,7:30 am.
I assised him in the bathroom before breakfast
And taking him to senior services.I picked him
Up at 3:55 and we arrived back here at 4:30.
He ate his supper,90% today.I gave him another
Shower around 8:30,he complained about the
Itching from the rash and he also had a loose
bm ,he said the shower made him feel better
I also gave him a sitz bath and back-rub and
Skin care,using the medications here for itching.
He went to bed minutes ago and seemed to
have a good day.Ilene

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am,i assisted him with a shower, sitz bath
Back-rub,skin care and cleaned his ears out.
After lunch we put together a xmas puzzle
And searched for the hidden object in the
Hidden picture book.He had a nice quiet
Day and has been sleeping well at night.
His meal intake was at 100% today.He is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Monday, November 19, 2007

'' Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:10 ,we
Arrived back at Mr Dancys home at
4:35, he ate supper at 5:30,eating at
100%.He is watching tv at this time.

Dad's Weekend

Not much happened this weekend. Ilene stayed over until 11 pm on Friday so I could attend the play "Look Homeward Angel".

Saturday Bettie came over and watched Dad while I went to exercise class. Bettie said that the hidden picture searches are too hard for Dad. She seems to enjoy doing them herself though.

Sunday morning Dad did some yoga with me. He even got down on the floor for a while, but mostly he did the arm stretches in the chair. When he was down on the floor almost he lost his balance a bit, but was okay.

Sunday I made a special orange sauce with pineapple and banana bits that I served over the frozen waffles.

He said he had a fever on Sunday. I felt his forehead but seemed okay. I gave him some aspirin though.

Earlier in the week Suzie came over and watched Dad. She feel asleep waiting for him to go to bed. He then got out of his chair and nudged her to take him to the bathroom.

Today when he awoke this morning, (he spent most of the night in the easy chair), his briefs were dry, which was great.

Friday, November 16, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am.I assisted him with a shower,sitz bath
Back-rub and skin care.After breakfast
We went for a short walk and later did
Our exercise routine.We worked some
On the ''hidden pictures book''.Mr Dancys
Eating level today was 95%.He is now
Relaxing by the tv.Ilene

Thursday, November 15, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a nice quiet day,
We went for a short walk this
Afternoon and later Mr Dancy asked
For the map,i got the map out and he
Put it together. He ate all his meals
At 95% today.Ilene

Monday, November 12, 2007

'' Mr Dancys' Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 4:02.We arrived back at Mr Dancys home
At 4:30.He ate his supper at 95%.He is now
Relaxing by the tv.Ilene

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday with Dad

This morning I awoke and found Dad in the easy chair with the afgan over him. He continued to sleep while I drank some coffee. When I took him to the bathroom I noticed the toilet had been used. Not sure if he used during the night or when Bettie was there.

Dad said that He had lost his......[I don't think he could think of the right word, so he looked down at this plate] and then said...bacon! He does that a lot. I know it must have been something important to him though. He also said he cousin lost his... bacon as well! He said it was his cousin on his mother's side, so I assume the cousin must be older than Dad.

I just got back from afternoon spent with Suzie. We went shopping for a few items. Then we went to my house and I looked at a Barbie doll clothes pattern and figured out what to buy at store. Then we went to the park. Suzie read a book and I jogged. Then we fed the ducks there.

When I got back Bettie reported that Dad walked around a lot. He also talked a lot. He worked on his hidden object puzzle and colored in the objects. He seemed to pick out quite a few objects.

Dad is now watching a football game and we will have leftovers and some pizza.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bettie's Report on November 10

Bettie stayed with Dad while I went to exercise class, took an afternoon nap and went to a pops concert featuring Amy Grant and the Winston-Salem Symphony.

Dad walked around the house a lot she said. (for some reason he never does that with me--just basically sits in the chair).

They worked on some Hidden pictures puzzle. Bettie said they were too hard for both her and Dad. They did find a few and Dad colored the pictures.

Bettie reported that Dad didn't eat much for dinner. She saved the leftovers--about 1/2 serving of tomatoes and okra and some pork.

Friday, November 09, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi,Today was a nice quite day for Mr Dancy
He was up this morning at 7:30am his shower
Was followed by a sitz bath,back -rub and
Skin care also i used the ear drops to clean
Out his ears.I took him for a hair cut around
1:30.His eating today was 95%.He is relaxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, November 08, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Evening"

Hi, Mr Dancy has been resting very well
At night.He was up this morning at 7:30
Am,after a trip to the bathroom mr Dancy
Had breakfast.We left for senior services
At 9:30 and arrived back here at4:30.
He had a good supper eating 95%.He is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

''Mr Dancys Day'

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
am.I assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast.He did some coloring today,but
Said he didnt feel well so he napped on
And off.We did our exercise routine and
Went for a short walk .He ate his breakfast
And lunch but only ate 50% of supper,i
Gave him a vitamin drink.Mr Dancy is
Watching tv at this time.Ilene

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

'' Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at
7:30 am,i assisted him in the bathroom
With a shower,sitz bath,back-rub and
Skin care.After breakfast the nurse came
By around 10:30 am.The nurse took
Mr Dancys vital signs and administered
His b-12 shot.his bp was 124/72.
Mr Dancy engaged in art work today
Finishing up a fall picture and putting
Together the map.His eating today
Was at 95%.Mr Dancy is relaxing by
The tv at this time.Ilene

Visit by Nurse

I received a call from Rene Russell, the Bayada nurse this morning. She had to come early for the visit due to other commitments. She reports that Dad is doing well, no changes apparent. His temperature is 96.7, heartbeat 60-regular, blood pressure 124/72. She gave him his B12 shot. Rene expects to return for the next visit on December 4th.

Monday, November 05, 2007

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up this afternoon at
4:10,we arrived back here at 4:35.Mr Dancy
Had supper at the usual time 5:30,he ate
100% of his supper,i gave him the laxative
Pill and he had a bm after supper.Ilene

Friday, November 02, 2007

'' Mr Dancys ' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a nice quiet day he
was up this morning at 7:30 am,i
Assisted him in the bathroom with a
Shower,back-rub,sitz bath,ear care
And skin care.His activity today was
Conversation,painted a fall picture and
Watched some tv.His eating today was
100%,he is watching tv at this time.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

'' Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy rested well last night,he
Was up this morning at 7:30 am,after
A trip to the bathroom Mr Dancy had
A good breakfast and later i took him
To senior services.I picked him up at
3:45 and arrived back here at 4:02.
His eating today was at 100%, he is
Relaxing at this time by the tv.Ilene