Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Day 4

We seem to be settling into somewhat of a routine. Dad's learning his way around the house and such. Ate well today...3 meals, plus a couple of snacks. Really liked the fresh berries and whipped cream for dessert. Did his leg exercises on the couch. Still napping a lot when sedentary but did have a good walk from the parking lot to Dylan's physical therapy location. Enjoyed watching me and Dylan bike ride again from the sun porch couch.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day 3 in California

Dad was a little less confused today, and seemed happier. Still slept a lot, and took naps during the day. I think he found his favorite spot in my house which is a nice leather chair on our "sun porch" that looks out over our patio/pool area. It's a very warm spot and he sat down and watched (and slept) while Dylan rode his bike outside.

We went to CVS in late afternoon and Dad said he was up for walking around the store with me (with his walker.) About half way through the store I started to "smell" something. By the time we got home, he had leaked through his pants, so we had a bit of clean up to do. We had already taken a shower that morning, and it seemed to work out okay, so he got in for another after we returned to get cleaned up.

Seemed to really enjoy the Roast Filet Mignon meat I had cooked for dinner, along with salad, green beans, wheat english muffin and cheesecake for dessert. Played a little bit of cribbage with Ryland. Needed help, but did set his hand correctly without help a couple of times. Also seemed to be able to count the cards with prompting.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Day 2 in California

Dad slept quite well...finally roused him around 9:30am, then toileted and washed up in the bathroom. Had pancakes for breakfast. Seemed a bit more confused and lethargic today...perhaps due to jetlag. It was a gorgeous clear day here, but on the cooler side (for us)...60's. Dad sat outside for a while. I walked him to the edge of my deck to look at the ocean and he noticed some ships. He then said "I could just die right here right now"...and I wasn't sure if it was because he felt tired or because he appreciated the view! I reminded him that he had once told me that after he died he wanted his ashes spread on the Pacific, but I didn't really get a response to that.

ANyway, it was a bit busy here today as a group of my girlfriends with kids had come to visit (my original West LA roommates/girlfriends...hadn't all gotten together in several years). 3 of them have only daughters, ages 7 to 11. We had lunch together at the house with Dad, but Dad didn't eat much. Dad stayed with Paul while we all went for a nice walk by the cliffs. On our return, Ken and family had arrived for their visit with Dad. Dad mostly stayed in the family room watching the football game, but initiated getting up several times, often seeming a big confused and/or saying "we need to set up the program.." and other gibberish. Judy, Ken, Dylan and I sat with him for awhile, and Judy gave us some tips and comparisons with her experiences at the Sunrise facility. Dad had a late snack (mini-sandwich, grapes), then Judy and Ken helped Dad in the bathroom before departing around 6pm. Dad had dinner a little later (chinese chick salad, eng muffin, slice of pizza) and milk and cookies. Had his 2nd Bowel movement in as many days here on the toilet (yeah!'s all about the poops at our house!) and cleaned up and went to bed around 9:30pm.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dad's arrival in California, December 27, 2008

Dad and Ken arrived without incident. Dylan and I had driven to the airport to pick them up. Ken said Dad only ate half a sandwich on the plane, so when he arrived at my house, after going to the bathroom and freshening up, he had a light meal of macaroni and cheese, english muffin and apricots (and took meds). He went right for the meal without prompting, and commented that the apricots were "really tasty". After eating, he sat on the couch with me, Ryland and Dylan watching the end of Oceans 13. Is now toileting before bedtime, around 10:15pm PST.

Though he asked some of the same questions repeatedly, overall he seems more alert than I expected. He definitely seemed intrigued with Dylan and Ryland, commenting that I had a blonde and a brunette, and I was halfway between!

I have set up the intercom to "monitor" his room (like we do Dylan's)...hopefully he will sleep comfortably through the night.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dad Gets a New Identification Card

I just realized a couple of days ago that Dad would be asked for picture ID at the airport. He has a VA card, (but no drivers license). [I didn't want to have to carry his birth certificate-it is fragile and falling apart.]

So I went to the DMV. I needed two forms of ID so I had to go back home. I got a copy of his birth certificate. But they needed the original. Also Dad had to come and get a new picture.

After two trips, I brought his DD-214 and his original birth certificate and Dad! Bettie came also. I said I would drop her off at the shopping center for an hour. But she said no to that. She helped Dad negotiate the steps at the place.

I didn't have to wait too long. I guess a lot of people must be out shopping!

I also bought Dad some new pants. He only has one pair that is not falling off. I only had to make two trips to figure out the correct size. And I still have to return some. But I don't mind; I always have to return and exchange my own clothes at least once (especially when I don't try them on in the store!)

Monday, December 22, 2008

More Thoughts on Dad's Visit with Dr. Lichstein

Well, here are some things I left out of the last blog.

Dr. Lichstein asked why Dad's left side of his mouth was drooping. I said does that mean he had a stroke? Dr. Lichstein asked my Dad to raise his arms up and then he said he didn't think so.

We talked about Dad's itching. Dr. Lichstein asked if Rx cream was doing any good--I said it seemed to work for about an hour. [Looking back, he hasn't scratched as much as he had been doing about a month ago]. I told him he takes claritin for it as well.

I also talked about Hospice as a place for Dad to go to. He said that they don't take Alzheimer patients. But I was only thinking of it as a place for late stages of life (like last couple of weeks?). He wasn't sure of that situation.

I might think of other things. I will try to write them down later.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dad's Visit with Dr. Lichstein

Dad visited Dr. Lichstein last Thursday.

First of all, Dad weighs 146. He has gradually lost about 10 pounds. I just noticed it recently in the last couple of weeks. I had to replace the large size Depends with medium size.

Dad's BP was 166. Dr. Lichstein did not comment on this during the visit. Later that week at home his BP was 130.

Dad was somewhat apathetic. I think it has something to do with the cold. Though Dr. Lichstein mentioned that Dad probably will gradually becoming more ? this coming year. [not sure what the word is].

Dr. Lichstein told Dad that he was "very expensive", when I mentioned moving to save money. I then mentioned to Dad that he used to tell us that it costs about $100,000 to raise each of us. I asked Dr. Lichstein about Dad living at my house. He also asked (like Justine) whether I could handle the burden of it. He seemed to think the chair lift was okay, though. His sister has one.

I told Dr. Lichstein about the visit to California and he reminded me to tell the airline about using wheelchairs, etc.

Dr. Lichstein renewed Dad's prescriptions. Dad got a flu shot. He also got a blood test, to test thyroid and other things.

Friday, December 19, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
i assisted him with a shower, sitz bath, back
rub and skin care. Mr Dancys appetite was
at 80% for all meals.He took napps on and
off all day,still feeling tired due to the cold.
i gave him the medication that was here
for his cold.His BP was good 130/78.He is
relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, December 18, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
i assisted him in the bathroom before..
breakfast. He slept on and off most of the
evening. His appetite was at 80% for
all meals.He is resting by the tv at this time.

Friday, December 12, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at
7:30 am.I assisted him in the bathroom
with a sitz bath,back-rub,skin care and
ear drops. He seems to be feeling much
better today. His appetite was good eating
90% of all meals. We listened to some
opera on tv,i got out a puzzle but he didnt
want to participate. His BP is good,138/80,
at 6:pm.Mr Dancy is watching tv at this

Thursday, December 11, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning.
i assisted him in the bathroom before,
breakfast. Mr Dancy was moving slow today,
he didnt seem to be feeling well.I gave him
the medication for a cold and tonight he is
feeling better.His appetite was good today
eating 90%.He is watching a christmas movie,
at this time. Ilene

Friday, December 05, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning
I assisted him with a shower,sitz bath,
back-rub,skin care and ear drops.After
lunch we went for a short walk and Mr
Dancy watched some tv.His appetite was
good eating 90% for all meals.His BP is
also good 130/80.He is relaxing by the
tv at this time. Ilene

Thursday, December 04, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
after a trip to the bathroom it was time,
for breakfast.We went for a short walk
before lunch.Mr Dancys appetite was good
today,eating 90% for all meals.He is relaxing
by the tv at this time. Ilene

Thursday, November 27, 2008

''Thanksgiving Morning''

Hi,Mr Dancy seems to be doing very well,
After rising at 7:30 am i assisted him in
the bathroom with a shower,sitz bath,
back-rub and skin care. His appetite was
good this morning eating 100%. His bp
is good 140/78. He is relaxing by the tv,
watching the parade at this time.Ilene

Friday, November 21, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 8:am this morning,
He did not sleep well,getting up off and on
Last night. He had his shower, sitz bath,
Back-rub,ear drops and skin care.After breakfast
He watched some tv and later we got out the
Picture book.His appetite was good eating
100% for all meals. His BP was good 142/78.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, November 20, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before,
breakfast. We went for a short walk before
lunch and later got out a puzzle. Mr Dancys
appetite was good today eating 100% for
all meals. Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv
at this time. Ilene

Friday, November 14, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Back-rub, ear drops and skin care.We
Went for a short walk after breakfast and
Later got out the hidden picture book.
Mr Dancys appetite was good ,eating
95% for all meals. His BP was good ....
136/80. He is relaxing by the tv at this

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a nice quiet evening.
His appetite was good eating 100%.
He is getting ready for bed at this time.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dad and the Election

A few weeks ago I requested a absentee ballot for Dad. I asked him though what he wanted to vote for Democrat or Republican, I didn't want to assume anything, but I was very glad he said Democrat. He didn't say much else, but he told Dot today that he knew that there had been an election and that the Democrats won. When she asked him who won he said Obama.

This past Friday Dad was not sleepy at all. He wanted to know where his money was and wanted to see a pay statement. I found the bank statement and he was very angry about how the money was being spent, saying he couldn't afford it. I told Bettie that he was wide awake but she still said she wouldn't mind coming in. She was worried it upset me--it did a little, but not as much as she assumed. But I was glad to leave Dad that evening.

Sunday he was very sleepy most of the day. He revived again in the evening, telling me how stupid I was, etc. That he couldn't afford to spend $100,000 a month. Oh well. It does make me think a bit about how I spend the money!

Friday, November 07, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi Mr Dancy was up at 8:30 this morning,
He did not sleep well last night ,up and
Down most of the night.I assisted him with
A shower,sitz bath,back-rub,ear drops
And skin care.After breakfast we went
For a walk and later worked a small puzzle.
His appetite was good today eating 100%
For all meals.His BP was good 140/80.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, November 06, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before...
Breakfast. We went for a walk before lunch
And later got out a puzzle . Mr Dancy watched
Some tv and took a nap.His appetite was good
Eating 100% for all meals.He is relaxing by
The tv at this time.Ilene

Friday, October 31, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom with a
Shower, sitz bath,back-rub ,skin care and
Ear drops/His appetite was good eating
100% for all meals.We went for a walk
And got out the hidden picture book.
Mr Dancys bp was good today 138/76.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, October 30, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
After breakfast we went for a walk and
Later colored a picture in the sea life book.
His appetite was good today eating 100%
For all meals. Mr Dancy is relaxing by the
Tv at this time.Ilene

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Friday, October 24, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom with a,
Shower, sitz bath ,back-rub and skin care.
After breakfast he watched some tv.His
Appetite was good eating 100% for all
Meals. His bp was good 142/80.Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv at this time. Ilene

Thursday, October 23, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time
7:30 am, i assisted him in the bathroom
Before breakfast. Before lunch we took a ,
Short walk and later looked at some photos,
And watched some tv.Mr Dancys appetite
Was good today eating 100% for all meals.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dad Was really Talking this weekend

Dad was really speaking this weekend! I didn't really see him much until Saturday afternoon, since I came in late Friday for a short while (and he was sleeping).

Saturday I came in about 5 and left and came back about 10. Dad was watching TV. He went to bed about 11 pm. But he woke up very early. I noticed an odor but didn't arise as quickly as I could have. Dad had turned the oven up to 450 and was attempting to warm up his pants. When I opened the oven I saw the blackened clothes, burning slightly. I quickly tossed them in the sink! Dad tried to touch them. Then he started looking for his pants again! The alarm then went off and a security guard came by and talked with Dad and I for a few minutes. All this time Dad is walking around without his cane! He mentioned that he had fallen, but appeared to be in okay shape.

After breakfast Dad insisted on driving, "just a block". He had been talking the day before about how the car had been wreaked and such. Also he asked where Mom was. Then he seemed shocked when I mentioned Jennie. He said she is married? Really! Then he said that I was married to him. And he asked if my father was still in the Army. (He looked at a card from Norman Short, his naval academy roommate--most of the time he NEVER reads).

He went to the car and even though I was protesting, got into the driver's side. He almost fell trying to get into the car, but managed to steady himself. I had called Chip for some moral support. During the phone call to Chip he seemed very talkative and such. I finally told Dad I should at least drive out the driveway before he drove. Then after that I let Dad steer the wheel, he turned the wheel for a short ways then seemed satisfied with the performance of the car.

Dad talked a lot about his knees hurting him so I rubbed some aspercreme on them. I hope that helped them. Later we decided to call his roommate and he told the roommate how awful he felt, that he had broken both his legs, etc. etc. He said everyone had died, his mother, his father, his sisters, (though he did not mention Mom). He also asked where some building was at the naval academy that he needed to go to. He also mentioned that he wanted him to come to visit but that he would not be able to play golf.

He also kept insisting that I was his wife. [It was flattering I must say.]

At dinner he said he felt he could eat again (he had a hard tine eating his green beans at lunch). It wasn't so much what he said, it was his tone of voice--very positive and he seemed to be able to think, though he sounded like he was a bit amnesic. Even though he asked a lot of questions (some over and over), I was happy that he was talking!

Sunday night asked what he should wear the next day (he had said previously that he felt good enough to go to the office). I said the green pants. He woke me up at 4 am and showed me the blue pants and shirt he had picked out. Then he put the clothes on and sat on the dining room chair a couple of hours till I got up! It was nice that he was able to dress himself.

Friday, October 17, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Back-rub, skin care and ear drops.His
Appetite was good eating 95% for all meals.
We got out a small puzzle and finished it,
And Mr Dancy watched some tv.His BP
Was good today 138/76.He is relaxing by
The tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, October 16, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time,7:30
Am,i assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast . After breakfast we went for a
Walk and later got the hidden object book
Out to look fo hidden pictures.Mr Dancys
Appetite was good today,eating 95% of
All meals.He is relaxing by the tv at this

Dad looks Gaunt

I came by on Wednesday. Dad seemed thin. I don't recall him getting thinner, but I did notice that his belt had to be tightened more lately.

He does have trouble eating at times. I have to remind him to continue eating. So basically he eat about what I eat (but I also eat more snacks later). He never asks for food, though I do offer him nuts and ice cream at night.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dad's Weekend

This past weekend I worked on Saturday, so Friday was my day off to go the Dixie Fair with Suzie and Ella. We had fun eating deep fried Oreos, deep fried vegetables, lemonade, etc. And enjoying the baby changing tent so Suzie could feed Ella.

Unfortunately Dad had a Number 2 accident in his pants! I think he thought he was passing gas. He got up to use the toilet but it was too late.

I was putting together a jigsaw puzzle and asked where the Kara Sea was. Dad had a sense that where he thought it might be. I had never heard of it. After hours of being totally silent, he said where it was located, just as if he hadn't been quiet for hours. (I have now forgotten what he said.)

I sent away for an absentee ballot for Dad. (I hope he votes for Democrats, but he may vote for John McCain, as he used to really like him!).

Friday, October 10, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi ,Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
For the past two nights he has not slept
Well,up on and off,he says hes looking for
His car keys.I gave him his shower,sitz bath,
Back-rub,ear drops and skin care before
Breakfast. after lunch we took a walk and
Later got out a puzzle. His appetite was
Good today eating 95% for three meals.
His Bp is good 140/78.Mr Dancy is relaxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, October 09, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before having
Breakfast.After lunch we went out for a walk
and later got out a puzzle.His appetite was
Good eating 100% for three meals.Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Monday, October 06, 2008

Dad's Weekend

Ilene stayed with Dad late this Friday. I came in at 11:30 pm. I picked up Bettie because she was unable to get a ride and drove her to Dad's home.

On Saturday evening I came and picked up Dad. We went to the grocery store with Bettie. Dad enjoyed riding on the electric scooter in the store. Later I drove Dad to the dining hall to get a little walk. He stayed outside on the bench while I went it to get the meal. He talked to a couple of people who were also sitting. We had a nice mahi fish meal.

Sunday Dad woke up about 9 am. He made a sound of surprise when he woke up as if he was being startled, but he went back to sleep for a few more minutes. Maybe scary dreams or perhaps when he wakes up reality hits him hard! Later we went to my house where we ate the meal that I picked up. I added some roasted vegetables (zucchini, squash, eggplant, red onion and red, orange and yellow peppers). The dining room is getting into a rut of plain green beans and too-buttery carrots.

Dot came over last night for a few hours and gave Dad a shower. Before she came over he went over to the shower stall and tried to get into it

Dad seemed a little apathetic this weekend but this morning seemed more lively (maybe the shower woke him up?) He put on his pants by himself and seemed willing to do the exercise bike contraption. Earlier this weekend he didn't want to do it--said he wasn't able to do it!

This morning I noticed Dad hadn't had a bowel movement since Friday. So I asked Dot (who is watching Dad tonight) to give him the rest of the prune juice in the can and give him an overnight laxative.

Bettie will be coming in tonight about 11:30. Ilene will be coming earlier on Wednesday to help with grocery shopping. She has a gift card from Food Lion to use.

Friday, October 03, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at,
7:30 am,i assisted him in the bathroom,
With a shower, sitz bath, back-rub,skin-
Care and ear drops.After breakfast we
Went for a walk and later it was time
For lunch.His appetite was good eating
90% of the three meals. He put together
One of the puzzles and watched some tv.
His BP was 138/76, he is relaxing by the
Tv at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived for work at 3:30,Mr
Dancy ate supper at 5:30 eating
Only 50%,i gave him a supplement,
Drink and he is relaxing by the tv
At this time.Ilene

Friday, September 26, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time,7:30.
I assisted him in the bathroom with a shower,
Sitz bath,back-rub,skin care and ear drops.
His appetite was good eating 95% for the
Two meals. He said that he didnt feel well
Today,he napped on and off all day.Mr Dancy
Was up most of the night in a very confused,
State at one point he tried to get the front
Door open to go out in the rain,i talked to him
For a few mintues and he went back to bed
And kept getting up throughout the night.
His BP was good today,140/80.He is relaxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, September 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 am,i assisted,
Him in the bathroom before breakfast.
We went for a walk after breakfast and..
Later Mr Dancy watched some tv.His
Appetite was good today eating 90%.
He seemed to be feeling much better.

Friday, September 19, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at the,
Usual time, 7:30 am, i assisted him in the
Bathroom with a sitz bath, back-rub..
Shower, skin care and ear drops. After
Breakfast we took a walk and later Mr
Dancy got out'' the hidden picture book''
He also watched some tv and took a few,
Naps.His appetite was good today eating
95%,he is still complaing of pain in the
Rectal area,i applied the cream .put him on ,
The sitz bath 2x1 today. His BP was good,
130/78. Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv at,
This time. Ilene

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

''Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi,i arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3;30,
Mr Dancy had supper at 5:15 eating..
Only 50% i gave him a suppement drink
After supper.He is getting ready for bed
At this time.Ilene

Thursday, September 11, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time
For breakfast. We went for a short walk..
In between the rain and later got out a
puzzle to work. His appetite was good ..
Eating 95% for all meals.He is relaxing.
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I arrived to work at 3:30 pm,
I took Betty to work and assisted
Mr Dancy with supper around ..
5:30 ,eating 100%,he is relaxing
By the tv at this time. Ilene

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dad More Active this Weekend

Saturday Dad walked around the house more. Bettie reported that she got up at 6 am and couldn't find Dad. He was in the garage sitting in the car. I guess he wanted to go somewhere. He told Bettie he wished he could drive. Bettie said she wished she could drive him but she doesn't drive (she was in an accident a few years ago and didn't drive after that).

On Sunday morning he woke up about 6 am and went into the kitchen. He started to make coffee, putting water in the pot, but then stopped. He did put the coffee itself in the refrigerator. Then he went to bed again. Later he came into the kitchen, (without being helped out of bed), and said "Did you feed the children" (implying I was Mom!). Later he asked did I feed my children (he might have been trying to say that he knew I was his daughter, Not Mom!

At my house Dad asked for more chicken, (usually he justs eats what is on the plate only). Later that afternoon he went to the kitchen and searched for something to eat.

He was more expressive when he was talking, telling me he wished he could do something about the nails in his legs. (I gave him some Ibuprofen.). He said that he was sorry he couldn't drive but his legs were not well.

He also asked me some questions about why my last boyfriend left me. And he continued the conversation, what did he do when you broke up, how did he feel, etc.

Later we watched the football game and enjoyed the Panthers last second winning touchdown. I also watched the tennis US Open with Dad.

It was a nice evening. Dad watched another football game, but later said it was a waste of time it took place too far away.

Monday, September 08, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm this
Evening.He ate supper around 5:30,
Eating 90%.He is relaxing by the tv at
This time.Ilene

Friday, September 05, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning.
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,..
Back-rub, skin care and ear drops.We went
For a short walk after breakfast and after
Lunch from subway we did the hidden..
Pictures book.Mr Dancys appetite was good
Eating 90% for the three meals. I took Mr
Dancys BP at 5:45 it was 158/82.He is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, September 04, 2008

'Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time this..
Morning.After a trip to the bathroom i took..
Mr Dancy down to the dining hall for break-
Fast,he seemed to enjoy himself and ate all
His breakfast.We went for a walk before ..
lunch And later got out the hidden picture
books .His apetite was good today eating 90%
Of The three meals. Mr Dancy is in bed at this
Time. Ilene

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived for work at 3:30,after taking
Betty to work it was time to call in supper,
Mr Dancy had supper around 5:15 eating
85%.He is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Dad tries to play poker

Last Saturday night I fell asleep watching Saturday Night Live. I woke up and found Dad had pulled a dining room chair to the very front of the TV and was watching a poker game on TV.

Dad tried to play poker by using the remote control to move the cards that were being displayed on the screen. He really wanted to play!

The next time it comes on I will try to record it so that he can watch during the day as I think the games are normally on after midnight when he is normally asleep.

Friday, August 29, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
He was moving slow this morning so we
Didnt get to go for breakfast.Maintenance
Arrived this morning to repair the refriger..
ator and bathroom light.Mr Dancy had his
Shower, sitz bath, back-rub, skin care and
Ear drops as scheduled.We went for a walk
Early and went to subway for lunch. we ..
Worked a small puzzle and Mr Dancy watched
Some tv. His BP was good 128/80,appetite
Was also good 100% for the three meals.He
Is relaxing by the tv at this time. Ilene

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3:30,
He ate supper around 5:30 eating 100%.
Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Monday, August 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm today.
He ate supper at 5:30 ,the meal was late
Coming.His appetite was good eating
100%. Ilene

Friday, August 22, 2008

" Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning.
I assisted him in the bathroom with a shower...
Sitz bath, back-rub, ear drops and skin care.
I put Mr Dancy on the sitz bath three times
Today and used the cream, that seemed to
Help with the pain. We went for a walk and
Later took a drive out to get a snack ,a taco..
He seemed to like the outing and the snack.
We worked some on the puzzle, also.Mr Dancys
Appetite was good today ,eating 100% for
The three meals. I took his BP at 5:45 it was
124/78. He is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at,
7:30 am,i assisted him in the bathroom
Before breakfast. We went for a walk after
Lunch and later worked some on the
Puzzle. I put Mr Dancy on the sitz bath
Several times today and used the cream ,
To aid his discomfort.His appetite was
Good today eating 95% for the three meals.
He is geting ready for bed at this time.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

' Mr Dancys Evening ''

Hi, I arrived for work at 3:30, Mr Dancy
Ate supper around 5:15, eating 100%.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up today at 4:pm.
He had supper around 5:15 eating 95%.
Mr Dancy is getting ready for bed at this

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, today was a very good day for Mr Dancy,
He was up at 7:30 am. I assisted him with
His scheduled shower, sitz bath, back-rub...
Skin care and ear drops. We went with Cathy,
To pick garden vegetables at 11:am he seemed
To enjoy the outing. His appetite was good today,
Eating 95% of his three meals.His BP was good,
134/80.At this time Mr Dancy is relaxing by
The tv.Ilene

Thursday, August 14, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before btreakfast.
We went for a walk and later took a drive
Around the neighborhood. Mr Dancys appetite
Was good today eating 95% for the three
Meals.He is getting ready for bed at this time.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I arrived for work at 3:30 pm,Mr Dancy
Ate supper at 5:15 eating 90%. He is relaxing
By the tv at this time. Ilene

Monday, August 11, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 3:50. Mr
Dancy ate supper at 5:15 eating 90%
He is getting ready for bed at this time.

Friday, August 08, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy did not rest well last night,
He was up off and on until 3:am,i put him
Back to bed several times the last time i heard
Him get up was a little after 3:am he had
Fallen in the towel closet over the clothes that
Were in the basket,he bruised his elbow and
I went ahead and gave him his shower,sitz..
Bath and back-rub , i cleaned and dressed his
Arm and later he went back to sleep.He seemed
Extremely confused and agitated. He was up
Again at 6:30 and i took him in the tv room
Where he sat and watched tv until time for
Breakfast.We went for a walk after breakfast,
And took a ride out for a snack,he seemed
Much better the rest of the evening.His appetite
Was good eating 95%,his BP was 142/80 at

Thursday, August 07, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before....
Breakfast. We went for a walk and Mr
Dancy did some exercises and worked on
A puzzle.His appetite was good eating 90%
Today.Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv at
This time. Ilene

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys at 3:30 pm,
Mr Dancy ate supper at 5:15 eating
100%.The panel above the thermostat
In the hall began to make a loud noise
And odor,i called maintenance and the
Repairman disconnected the wiring and
Said that he would return tomorrow to
Put another one in. Mr Dancy is preparing
For bed at this time. Ilene

Monday, August 04, 2008

' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 3:45.He
Ate his supper at 5:15 eating 100%.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Friday, August 01, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower,sitz bath,
Skin care and back-rub.His appetite
Was good today eating 95% for the
Three meals. Mr Dancy did some exercises,
today And went for a walk,we also rode to
The store for a snack and Mr Dancy later
Worked a puzzle.His BP was 140/80.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time. He
Also had his ear drops.Ilene

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3:30 pm,
Mr Dancy had supper around 5:15 eating
100% he is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Friday, July 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Back-rub ,skin care ,and ear drops.We
Went for a walk this morning and later
Mr Dancy did some exercises,we also
Went for a ride to the store and worked
Some in the ''hidden object book''. I took
Mr Dancys BP it was 160/80.His appetite
Was good today eating 95% for the three
Meals. Ilene

Thursday, July 24, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at
7:30 am. I assisted him in the bathroom
Before breakfast. We went for a walk
Before lunch and later Mr Dancy did
Some exercises.His appetite was good
Today eating 95% for the three meals.
He is now relaxing by the tv,he had
A nice quiet day.Ilene

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3:30,
Mr Dancy ate supper around 5:15 eating
95%. He is relaxing by the tv watching a
Movie ''the hunt or red october''.Ilene

Monday, July 21, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm,we
Arrived at Mr Dancys home at 4:30 pm.
He ate supper eating 90% at 5:15. He
Is in bed at this time. Ilene

Thursday, July 17, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Back-rub and skin care.We went for a walk
Before lunch and Mr Dancy did some exercises.
His appetite was good eating 100% for three
Meals. His BP was good 120/78. Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv at this time. Ilene

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I reported for work at 3:30 pm,
Mr Dancy ate supper at 5:pm eating,
100% he is relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Monday, July 14, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 4:pm. He ate supper at 5:15 eating 100%.
Mr Dancy is in bed at this time.Ilene

Friday, July 11, 2008

'' Mr dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30 am,
I assisted him in the bathroom with a sitz-
Bath, back- rub, skin care and applied the
Ear drpos all week. After breakfast we went
For a short walk and later Mr Dancy did
Some exercises and watched tv,I got out
Some of the activities but he said he didnt
Feel well today.His appetite was good eating
90% of three meals. Ilene

Thursday, July 10, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time
For breakfast. We went for a walk and
Mr Dancy did some exercises and watched
Some tv, we also got out the hidden object
Book. Mr Dancys appetite was good today
Eating 95% of three meals.Mr Dancy is in
Bed at this time. Ilene

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

'' Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, I reported for work at 3:30 pm,
Mr Dancy had supper around 5:30
Eating 100%. Mr Dancy is relaxing
By the tv at this time. Ilene

Monday, July 07, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening ''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm,he
Ate supper around 5:30 eating 95%.
He is in bed at this time.Ilene

Thursday, July 03, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath, skin-
Care and back-rub. We went for a walk after
10:am and Mr Dancy did some exercises. We
Watched a movie and worked some on the
Hidden object book. Mr Dancys appetite was
Good today eating 100% for three meals.
His BP was good 136/80 ,he also had his daily
Ear drops.He seems to be feeling much better.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I reported for work at 3:30 pm.
Mr Dancy ate supper at 5:15 eating
95%,he is relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Monday, June 30, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 4:pm. He ate supper at 5:15 eating 90%.
He didnt look like he felt good, so i took his
Oral temp it was normal 98.6. His glasses
Rubbed the outside of his nose raw, i washed
His face in arm water and blotted it dry and
Applied soothing vaseline to the affected area.
I removed his glasses for the rest of the
Evening. I gave him his morning meds at 5:pm
And waited until 9:30 to give his evening meds.
Morning was left in the pill container.I applied
The ear drops to his right ear . Mr Dancy is
Now in bed. Ilene

Dad's Visit with Dr. Lichstein

Dad saw Dr. Lichstein this morning. He was quite animated at first, telling Dr. Lichstein about being stationed in Washington DC and how his ship's propeller had to be fixed.

Dad's blood pressure seemed a bit high about 155, but Dr. Lichstein said that the bp readings seem to run higher in his office. His weekly pressure runs about 124 systolic.

Dr. Lichstein is prescribing a cream to help with Dad's itching. He thinks Benadryl is not so great, (because it causes some confusion), but Claritin ok for his itch. I explained that I only give it to him at bedtime though, so he was alright with that. He also stopped the Oxybutyn, saying that it can also cause confusion. (Dad probably doesn't need to worry about frequent urination at this point in time). Dad also has his blood drawn for thyroid function.

I was wondering if Dad was hearing as well, as he asks "what" a lot. The nurse removed a lot of wax from his ears, but couldn't remove some from his right ear. Dad was complaining too much. She explained that it can really hurt when it is ripped off the ear drum. We will put ear drops in his right ear for a few days.

Dad is only going to Senior Services once a week now on Mondays. Ilene wants to stay through Thursdays. This week she will have Friday off since it is the Fourth of July. I will stay with Dad that day.

I have gotten in the summer habit of eating a light breakfast on Sundays with Dad, then watch Sunday Morning on CBS, do some yoga (Dad sometimes stretches, sometimes snoozes), then order the lunch, keep it warm in the oven for a couple of hours, eat about 2 pm, go to my house, feed the cats, watch golf, come back in the evening, watch sixty minutes on CBS, have salad and pizza, watch something light. Then wake up Monday morning and go to senior services about 11 am or so.

Friday, June 27, 2008

'' A Good Day For Mr Dancy''

Hi, Today was a good day for Mr Dancy he,
Talked about past events and smiled a lot
Today. The morning started off with a
Shower, sitz bath, back-rub and skin care.
After a good breakfast we went for a walk.
He worked a little on the ''sea life book'' and
Some on the'' hidden object book''. His
Appetite was good eating 100% today.He
Is relaxing by the tv at this time. Ilene

Visit with Dr. LIchstein

Dad will have a visit with Dr. Lichstein on Monday June 30rd at 8:20 a.m.

If you have any comments or thoughts please let me know.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

'' A Good Day For Mr Dancy''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We went for a walk after break-
fast and later did some exercise.Mr Dancy
Did some coloring in the ''sea life book''. His
Appetite was good today eating 95%.He is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I reported for work at 3:30 pm ,transported
Betty to work. Mr Dancy ate supper around
5:15 eating 100%. He is relaxing by the tv
At this time. Ilene

Monday, June 23, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 3:50. He ate supper aound 5:15 eating
100%,he is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Friday, June 20, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath, back-
Rub and skin care. After breakfast we went
For a walk and went for a drive around the
Neighborhood, his appetite was good eating
100% for all meals. His BP was good 124/72.
He did some exercises and is relaxing by the
Tv at this time. Ilene

Thursday, June 19, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bahroom before breakfast.
After breakfast we went for a walk and later
Some exercises. We finished the puzzle and
Mr Dancy watched some tv and had a fruit snack.
His appetite was good eating 100% for all
Meals, he is relaxing by the tv at this time
Watching a movie. Ilene

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, Mr Dancy seemed to have a nice quite
Evening,he ate supper around 5:15 eating
100% he is now relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Monday, June 16, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 5:pm,he ate supper around 5:30 eating
95%.Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Friday, June 13, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom with a shower,
Sitz bath, back-rub and skin care. We went
For a walk early and later we worked on the
Hidden Object book. Mr Dancys appetite
Was good today eating 98%. His BP was also
Good 140/80 he is relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Thursday, June 12, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We went for a walk early to
Beat the heat. His appetite was good today
Eating 95% for the three meals.We worked
Some on the puzzle and Mr Dancy watched
Tv and was alert most of the day.He is relaxing
By the tv at this time. Ilene

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, Mr Dancy was watching tv when i arrived,
He ate supper around 5:15 eating 100%.
Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Friday, June 06, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower,sitz bath
Back-rub and skin care. After breakfast we
Went for a walk before it was too hot to go.
His appetite was good today eating 90%
For the three meals. Around 2:pm we went
To carvels for ice cream he seemed to enjoy
The outing.His BP was good 120/78.He is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, June 05, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning
I assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We went out for a walk early
Before it was too hot to walk. Mr Dancy
Did some exercises and later we read some
Scriptures. His appetite was good eating
90% for the three meals. Mr Dancy is relaxing
By the tv at this time. Ilene

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 3:15. Mr Dancy ate supper at 5:30 pm,
Eating 80%, he is relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Monday, June 02, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services,
At 4:pm,he ate supper around 5:15 eating
100%,he is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Friday, May 30, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower,sitz bath and
Back- rub. His appetite was good eating
90% overall for the three meals. we went
For a walk this afternoon and did some
Exercises along with later working on the
Hidden object book. His BP was good today,
122/80, he had a nice quiet day. Ilene

P.S. I use a lot of the lotion on his skin,
It seems to help the itching.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time for
Breakfast,he watched some tv today on
And off. he stated that he didnt feel good.
I asked him was he in any pain and he
Answered' no'.His appetite was good eating
90% of the three meals.Mr Dancy is relaxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, i arrived at Mr Dancys at 3:30 pm.
He ate supper at 5:15 eating 100%.
Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv at this
Time .Ilene

Friday, May 23, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30,
Am i assisted him in the bathroom with a
Shower, sitz bath,back-rub and skin care.
We did some exercises and went for a walk
Before lunch. Mr Dancy put together the
Magnetic map and watched some tv.His
Appetite was good today eating 90%.His
BP was 130/78.He is relaxing by the tv at
This time. Ilene

Thursday, May 22, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
After breakfast we left for senior services,
We arrived at 9:am and returned at 4:15.
Mr Dancys appetite was good today,eating
90% for the two meals. Mr Dancy is preparing
For bed at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3:30 pm.
Mr Dancy had supper around 5:20 eating
90%,he is getting ready for bed at this time.

Monday, May 19, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I pickd Mr Dancy up from senior services ,
At 4:pm,he ate supper around 5:15 eating
100% he is getting ready for bed at this time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi ,I arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3:30 pm,
He had supper around 5:30 eating 100%.He
Is preparing for bed at this time. Ilene

Monday, May 12, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 4:pm. He ate supper around 5:15 eating
About 80%. He is now relaxing by the tv at
This time. Ilene

Friday, May 09, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath ,
Back-rub and skin care. After breakfast
We went for a walk and did the exercises.
Later we worked the hidden object book
And Mr Dancy watched some tv. His
Appetite was good today eating 100% for
The three meals.He had a nice quiet day.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time
For breakfast.We arrived at senior services
At 9:am and picked him up at 3:15.Mr Dancy
Ate 100% of breakfast but only 50% of supper.
I gave him a supplement drink afterwards.
Mr Dancy ie relaxing by the tv at this time.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys at 5:30 pm,
Mr Dancy was having suppper.He is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Monday, May 05, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi , I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 4:pm,he had supper at 5:15 eating 100%.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Friday, May 02, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:am this morning,
I assisted him with a sitz bath,back -rub
And skin care. After breakfast we went for
A walk and later did some exercises.Mr Dancy
Watched some tv and listened to music for
A time. His appetite was good eating 100%
For the three meals,he is relaxing by the
Tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, May 01, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before breakfast.
We left for senior services at 9:15 and retuned
Back here at 4:30. He had supper around 5:15
Eating 100%,he is relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi ,I arrived at Mr Dancys home at 3:20,
I picked up his supper at 5:pm, he ate
80% and is now relaxing by the tv at this
Time. Ilene

Monday, April 28, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, Picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm he ate supper
Around 5:30 eating 100%,he is now relaxing
By the tv.Ilene

Friday, April 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am, i assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We went for a walk this after-
noon and later Mr Dancy watched some
Tv and listened to music and did his exercise.
He had a nice quite day and is watching tv.
His appetite was good eating 100% today.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:am this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. I took him to senior services
Around 8:40 and picked him up at 3:15.
I immediately took him to the bathroom
Upon returning here, he had loose stools
All under his clothing.I gave him his shower.
Sitz bath , back-rub and skin care.He went
To the bathroom on and off all evening.His
Appetite was good eating 100% for the two
Meals. He is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys at 3:30, i picked
His supper up at 5:30 he ate 100%.Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Monday, April 21, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm from senior
Services. He ate supper around 5:30 eating 95%
He is relaxing by the tv at this time. Ilene

Dad's Weekend

It was a busy weekend for Dad. I came by Friday night and stayed until 11:30 when Bettie called from the Homestead. I picked her up and went home for the evening. Saturday morning I went for a walk/jog with the fitness group. I stopped at Mary's of Course where Jacob and Suzie work on the weekend. Suzie was sitting down for some breakfast and Jacob was getting ready to be a waitor.

Later that afternoon I took Bettie to work. Dot Hughes came by for her interview so I asked if she wanted to stay with Dad for a couple of hours while I went to a symphony pops concert featuring an Elvis look-alike. I really liked him singing "the wonder of you" and several others, even though I am not really an Elvis fan.

Dot seemed nice but I told her for now she would just be a fill-in on the weekend. I might call her on Sunday, not sure.

Sunday Dad and I went to the musical "Jekyll and Hyde". I invited Ceil Davis and Judy Davis and a friend Susan Britt, who helped me walk Dad. We had great front row seats and it was very entertaining.

Last night Dad got up in the middle of the night and came into my room. He said that he was starving and hadn't eaten for 10 hours. So I told him to go to the kitchen. (I was too sleepy to get up). He took out some frozen pancakes and put some walnuts into the freezer. He didn't actually eat anything that I could tell, but I decided to serve the pancakes this morning. He got back into bed and was still asleep when I woke up at 8. He was awake about 9 am.

Today, I was worried since Dad hadn't had a bowel movement since Friday. So I kept him home to wait for him to have one. I gave him a laxative, some prune juice, some coffee. After lunch I got ready to go to the store, so I put him on the toilet first and he calmly had a BM! I guess the stool softener must be helping as well. I also wanted to get a sample for cancer test. I have to get three days in the row samples.

We went to the grocery store, which I have never done before with him. When we got to the store, Dad sat on one of those "rascals" and followed me around the store. He seemed to enjoy himself, and steered it around just fine, even though I was a bit apprehensive.

It was really busy today and I got Dad to senior services about an hour before Ilene was to pick him up.

She will stay until midnight when Bettie will come over from her job. I will see Dad again on Wednesday. I will come by and see how Bettie is doing and get things from the drug store.

Friday, April 18, 2008

' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Skin care and back rub.Mr Dancy took
Naps on and off all day. He was up at
1:am i heard a noise in the tv room and
Found Mr Dancy lying on the floor i
Asked him was he allright he said that
He was in his bed,i helped him up and
Made sure he was alright.He was up again
At 3:am he knocked over the end table
Beside his reclyner after helping him
To bed i cleaned up the items on the floor.
Mr Dancy was up again at 4:am ,i took
Him to the bathroom and put the clothes
that he had taken out of the closet back.
He went back to bed and was up at 7:30 am.Ilene

Thursday, April 17, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time,7:30
Am, assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We left for senior services at
9:am. I picked Mr Dancy up from senior
Services at 4:pm. Mr Dancy ate supper
Around 5:30 eating about 95%.He is
Relaxing by the tv at this time. Ilene

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys this afternoon
At 3:30.Mr Dancy had supper around 5:30
Eating 100%.He is relaxing by the tv at
This time. Ilene

Dad's Weekend

Dad and I had a busy weekend. Bettie stayed with Dad while I ran the Hospice 10 K Race.

Then I had dinner with Dad that evening. Sunday we had breakfast and later had some lunch from the dining hall. Bettie called in sick, so I got a extra ticket for Dad for the symphony. They let me have it free! We had some good seats in the back of the orchestra in handicapped seating. I fell asleep during the first part of the symphony. After the intermission I was more alert as the music was more lively (Rachmaninoff).

Monday I took Dad to Senior Services. I picked him up at dinner and ate food with him from the dining hall. [They will be opening the new dining hall that will serve the new condos as well as the independent living residents on April 24].

My friend Maira Anderson came over to watch Dad until 11:30.She can not watch Dad on a regular basis but gave me a referral of a lady that she works with . Dot Hughes will come over Saturday and visit and hopefully it will work out that she can watch Dad on Mondays.

Bettie then came over Monday at 11:30 pm. I came by this morning to bring Dad's prescriptions and some bread and other pharmacy items. Ilene arrived this afternoon and took her to work at the Homestead.

I will call Ilene later to see if she wants to stay the night or leave after midnight.

(I am supposed to take stool samples sometime to send it for cancer testing. I have to make sure Dad doesn't eat any red meat three days before test.)

Friday, April 11, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath ,
Back -rub and skin care. We went for a
Walk this afternoon and later did the
Hidden objects book. Mr Dancy had a good
Appetite today eating 100%. He is relaxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, April 10, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:pm this morning,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time
For breakfast. I took Mr Dancy to senior
Services at 8:45 and picked him up at 3:01.
His appetite was good eating 95% of the
Two meals.He is relaxing by the tv at
This time.Ilene

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr dancy was up at 730 this morning,
i assisted Mr Dancy in the bathroom before
breakfast. we went for a walk and did the
Exercise after lunch. Mr dancys appetite
was good today eating 100% for the three
meals. we worked the hidden object book
and worked a puzzle.Mr Dancy is relaxing
by the tv at this time. ilene

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Back-rub and skin care. After breakfast
We went for a walk and later the exercises.
Mr Dancy watched some tv and we worked
On a puzzle. His appetite was good today
All three meals at 95%.He is relaxing by
The tv at this time. Ilene

Monday, April 07, 2008

"Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm,
We arrived here at 4:30, he ate
Supper at 5:30 his appetite was good
Eating 100%.He is relaxing by the tv
At this time. Ilene

Friday, April 04, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Back- rub and skin care. After breakfast
We went for a short walk and later worked
A puzzle. Mr Dancys appetite was good
Today eating 100% of three meals. again
This afternoon i gave him flaxseed in orange
Juice for relief of constipation,it works well,
He said that he felt much better.Ilene

Thursday, April 03, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time 7:30
Am,i assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. his appetite was good today he
Ate the three meals at 100%.After lunch
He said he wasnt feeling well, he said that
He was hurting in the rectal area,i took him
To the bathroom off and on all evening but
He could not get relief i gave him the senna
And it didnt work. I put some flaxseed in
His juice and put him on the sitz bath and
He finally got relief.He is relaxing by the
Tv at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, i picked up Mr Dancy at 4:pm,we
Arrived here at 4:30.Mr Dancy ate
100% of supper and is relaxing by the
Tv at this time. Ilene

Friday, March 28, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning.
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath , back
Rub and skin care.we went for a walk before
Breakfast and later worked a puzzle.His
Appetite was good eating 95% today.He
Has been sleeping well and seems to be feeling
Good. Ilene

Thursday, March 27, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:pm this morning,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time
For breakfast. I took Mr Dancy to Senior
Services at 8:30 and picked him up at 3:10.
His appetite was good today eating 100%
For the two meals.Ilene

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 am,i
Assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We went for a walk later
In the am and i helped him do his
Daily exercise.He was constipated
And kept going back and forth to
The bathroom,i put him on the sitz
Bath and it helped him get relief.His
Appetite was good today ,eating 100%.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
He had his shower,sitz bath, back-rub and
Skin care, afterwards he ate a good breakfast.
We went for a walk before lunch and did his
Daily exercise.Mr Dancy listened to music
And watched some tv.His appetite was
Good eating 100% for the three meals.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Monday, March 24, 2008

''Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm.
We arrived back here at 4:30.
Mr Dancy had supper at 5:30 and
Ate 100% of his supper.Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up early this morning6:30
Am.I assisted him in the bathroom before he
Had breakfast and went to physical therapy
With Cathy. I picked him up around 4:45
Pm. Mr Dancys appetite was good today
Eating 95% for the two meals.Mr Dancy is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Today Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 am,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time
For Breakfast. We went for a walk early
And later decorated some easter eggs.
Mr Dancys appetite was good today eating
100% of the three meals.He seemed more
Alert today and had a nice quiet evening.At
This time Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Today was shower day Mr Dancy had
His shower,sitz bath, back-rub and skin
Care this morning at the usual time 7:30
Am. We went for a walk after lunch and
Later did some clay shapes and hidden
Object book. Mr Dancys appetite was good
Today eating 95%. he took some naps on
And off and seemed tired most of the day.
He slept well the past night and we also
Practiced the recommended
This time Mr Dancy is relaxing by the
Tv. Ilene

Monday, March 17, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi,i picked Mr Dancy up from senior
Services around 4:55, we arrived
Back at Mr Dancys home at 5:15
He ate supper earlier,i fixed him a
Snack and he is now relaxing by the

Friday, March 14, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi Mr Dancy was up at the usual time
This morning 7:30 am,i assisted him in
The bathroom with a shower,sitz bath
Back-Rub and skin care. We went for
A walk after lunch and later got out
Some of the activities such as games
And puzzles ,Mr Dancy didnt seem
Interested , he said he didnt feel good.
His appetite was good today eating at
100% for all three meals.Ilene

Thursday, March 13, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am,i assisted him in he bathroom before
Breakfast. We went for a walk before
Lunch, Mr dancy ate 100% of lunch and
Breakfast,he ate only 50% of supper i
Gave him a supplement drink afterwards.
Mr Dancy did his exercises today,he stated
That he did not feel good today and watched
Tv on and off,he took naps frequently.i
Put him on the sitz bath this afternoon, he
Seems to like to soak in the warm water.
Mr Dancy is now relaxing by the tv.Ilene

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30,
After breakfast i took him to senior services
And picked him up at 4:04,he ate supper
Around 5:30 eating 95% for breakfast and
Supper. i assisted him with his exercises
This evening. I put him on the sitz bath
Again after supper, it seems to soothe him
His constipation is getting better.Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi ,Mr Dancy was up at 6:am this morning,
After a trip to the bathroom it was time
For breakfast.I took Mr Dancy to Comp
Rehab around 7:30 to get his physical
Therapy. I helped Mr Dancy with the
Exercises the therapist gave him to do.
Mr Dancy had a good appetite today eating
95%. I also gave him 2 prunelax pills and
Warm water along with a sitz bath, he
Was extremely constipated,he started going
To the bathroom on and off after lunch.he
Is doing better.Ilene

Monday, March 10, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi,I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 4:06 pm,He ate supper at 5:30 eating
100%.I gave him his shower,sitz bath and
Back-rub tonight.Mr Dancy is in the bathroom
Befor retiring.He will be getting up much
Earlier tomorrow morning he has to get ready
For his appointment with physical therapy.

Friday, March 07, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am,i assisted him with a shower, sitz bath
Back-rub and skin care.After breakfast I
Took him to pick up his glasses from sears.
Mr Dancys appetite was good today eating
100% all three meals.I got out the magnetic
Map and he put it together,he likes doing
That..I took his BP at 6:10 pm,it was
130/76.At this time he is relaxing by the tv.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:am,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath and
Back-rub.I came in on wednesday evening
And looked at the chart and Mr Dancy did
Not get a shower on tuesday the scheduled
Shower day.Mr Dancy had been itching quite
A lot , his back was raw so i cleaned and
Bandaged the affected area and also used the
Ointment for itching, its a lot better.his
Appetite was good today eating 100% for
The three meals.We worked on the picture
Album and went for a walk after lunch.
Mr Dancy is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior
Services at 4:pm,we arrived here at
Mr Dancys home at 4:30 pm.Mr Dancy
Ate supper at 5:30 ,eating 95%.He is
Now relaxing by the tv .Ilene

Monday, March 03, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior
Services at 4:pm,we arrived here at
4:30,around 5:30pm Mr Dancy ate
Supper eating only 50%,i gave him a
Supplement drink,he is now relaxing
By the tv. Ilene

Friday, February 29, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at
7:30 am i assisted him with a shower,
Sitz bath, back-rub and skin care.we
Went for a walk early in the morning
And later got out the hidden object
Book.Mr Dancys appetite was good
Today eating 100% all three meals.
I took his bp this evening around 6:30,
It was 150/78.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning
At 7:30 am, i assisted him in the
Bathroom before breakfast. His
Appetite was good eating at 100%
Today.We went for a walk this
Mornng and later looked at some
Family photos,Mr Dancy had a
Good week.He spent time with his
Family and he seemed very pleased.

Monday, February 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, i picked Mr Dancy up from senior
Services at 4:10 pm we arrived here
At 4:30 pm..He ate about 80% of supper
Today.Mr Dancy had loose stools so i
Gave him his shower, sitz bath,back-rub
And skin care after supper.Mr Dancy
Watched tv until 10:pm before retiring
For the night.Ilene

Friday, February 22, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr dancy did not rest very well last
Night,he was up most of the night,he
Asked was it time to go to church i
Explained to him that it was not time
For church .The last time he got up was
5:am, he wanted to watch tv i covered
Him up in the reclyner and he fell asleep.
He was awake again at 6:am and i gave
Him his shower,sitz bath,back-rub and
Skin care .His appetite was good eating
95%.I took his bp at 6:30 pm it was
120/78 .His leg is much better,the muscle
Rub seems to help.We also got out the
Hidden object book and worked on that

Thursday, February 21, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 am,
I assisted him in the bathroom before
Taking him to senior services.We left
Around 9:10 and arrived here at 4:15.
His appetite was good today ,100%
For both meals. I continue to do the
Range of Motion exercise with Mr Dancy,
His leg is doing much better i also applied
The muscle rub to his knees, it seems
To help him.Ilene

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancys day started at 7:30 this
Morning,we did some range of motion
Exercise before making a trip to the
Bathroom, afterwards Mr Dancy ate
Breakfast and we went for a short
Walk.His leg seems to be getting better,
I continued to rub his knees in the
Muscle rub.His appetite was good today
Eating 100%.Mr Dancy is now relaxing
By the tv.Ilene

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, today was shower day for Mr Dancy,
He was up at 7:30 am,i assisted him
With a shower, sitz bath, back-rub and
Skin care.He said his leg was sore so i
Applied some muscle rub to the leg.His
Appetite was good today eating 100%
All three meals.Mr Dancy is relaxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Monday, February 18, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior
Services at 4:15, he ate supper at 5:30,
Eating only 50% i gave him a supplement
Drink,he is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Friday, February 15, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time,7:30 am,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath ,back-rub
And skin care,i also used the ear drops and
Luxiq for itchy scalp.I took his knee brace off
And used the medicated ointment on his knees.
His appetite was good ,he ate 100% today.
For activities Mr Dancy did some art work
(stencil) he found some of the hidden objects
In the work book.Mr Dancy is now relaxing
By the tv.Ilene

Thursday, February 14, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 am i assisted
Him in the bathroom before breakfast.he
Ate all of breakfast and lunch but only
50% of supper,i gave him a supplement
Drink he finished the drink,100%.He slept
A lot of the day,i dont think he felt good
Today.I took his BP at 5:15 it was 140/82.
He slept well last night and seems to be
Feeling better.I rubbed his knees down
With medicated ointment and put his knee
Brace on.Mr Dancy is now relaxing by the

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up from senior
Services at 4:pm we arrived here at
Mr Dancys at 4:30 pm, he ate a good
Supper around 5:30,eating 100%.
Mr Dancy is now getting ready for bed.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Last Few Days

It has been a hectic few days with Dad. Bettie stayed with Dad on Saturday while I went to exercise class and made some cookies and fudge with Suzie for the bake sale at the church. It was a new cookie recipe--peppermint crunch oatmeal with coconut and pecan pieces.

Sunday I went to a play with Suzie "The Foreigner" while Bettie stayed with Dad. We saw Katherine and Ellie at the play.

Monday I had my bithday meal of Chinese food with Dad, Suzie, Jacob and friend Susan.

Then Monday evening I had to stay over because Ilene had left. (She had come over abour 3.5 hours earlier while Dad was at my house and shampooed the carpets in the living room).

Today Bettie is watching Dad. I will return later about 12:30 a.m.

Friday, February 01, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a shower,sitz bath.
Back-rub and skin care. we went for a
Walk this afternoon and upon returning
We got out the hidden object book he
Wasnt interested but i got the games
Out anyway.He ate a good breakfast
And lunch eating 100%,he didnt eat much
Supper eating about 50% so i gave him
A supplement drink. I took Mr Dancys
BP at 6:30 pm it was 120/78. Ilene

Thursday, January 31, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy Got off to a good start this
Morning, before breakfast i assisted him
In the bathroom, before going to senior
Services,He ate a good breakfast,100%.
I picked him up at 4:20 from senior
Services. He ate supper at 5:30 eating

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We did our exercise routine
Today and listened to classical music .
We later got out the ''hidden object book''
And searched for the hidden pictures.Mr
Dancy ate 95% of breakfast and lunch,
At supper time he ate about 70%,i gave
Him a supplement drink.Mr Dancy is
Relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him with a sitz bath,shower,
Back- rub and skin care.We went for a
Short walk this afternoon and put together
A puzzle. His appetite was good eating 90%

Monday, January 28, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr dancy up from senior services,
At 4:pm, he had supper at 5:30,eating 80%.
Mr Dancy is now relaxing by the tv.Ilene

P.S. he left his other glove in my car,i brought
It in today.

Dad's Weekend

We went to a church Father Daughter dance. Most of the daughters were 10 years old, but I missed it then, so this will just have to make up!

We had some nice hors d'oeuvres and finally asked Dad to dance. He basically stood in one place and swayed a bit. Then he sort of got mad and asked me to set up the people in the other side of the room! I decided to go home then as Dad must be getting tired.

It was fun to get out of the house. I hope to take Dad out to a play for my birthday next Sunday.

The rest of the weekend went okay. I worked on a jigsaw puzzle while Dad watched Tiger Woods perform a great game! He was really excited as he watched it.

On Sunday I fixed Pizza (frozen from last week). Dad didn't eat much, but luckily he made his piece look so unattractive by cutting it up in small pieces that I didn't feel tempted to eat his leftovers!

Friday, January 25, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this mornng,
I assisted him with a sitz bath,back -rub,
Shower and skin care. We did our exercise
Routine and later went for a short walk.
We got out the ''hidden object book'' and
Did some stencil art work.He ate most of
His meals today around 80%.I took his
BP this evening ,at 6:15 it was 130/78.Mr
Dancy is relaxing by the tv at this time.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at the usual time,7:30am,
I assisted him in the bathroom before breakfast.
Around 9:30 i took him to senior services,
And picked him up at 4:pm. He ate a full breakfast
And supper,the two meals 100%.He is now
Relaxing by the tv. Ilene

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi ,Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 this morning,
I assisted him in the bathroom before having
Breakfast. Around 9:30 we went for a walk
And later got out the ''hidden object book'' and
Worked on a puzzle.Mr Dancy talked a lot
Today about New Orleans and some of the
Neighborhoods there,he said that he grew up
On Magazine Street.He has been very alert
The last three days.his appetite today
Was much better eating at 90%.Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv at this time.Ilene

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning by 7:30
Am,i assisted him with a shower, sitz bath
Back-rub, and skin care. He ate only 50%
Of his breakfast and about 80% of lunch
And supper. We didnt go for a walk due
To bad weather.i got some games out today
But he wasnt interested.Mr Dancy was
Alert and talked a lot about business, he
Wanted to know if the red car was in the
Garage so i took him to the door to show
Him that the car was there.He said that
He would like to go dancing and wanted to
If he could go tonight,i explained to him
That weather conditions were bad and that
He could talk to cathy about the dancing
When she stops by on wednesday.Ilene

Dad's Last Few Days

I haven't had time to write down everything that happened this past weekend.

Just some observations: On the way to the visit with Dr. Lichstein Dad was worried that I was going to wreck the car. He also complained to Dr. Lichstein that I was spending all his money.

Dr. Lichstein seemed to think Dad was doing well. He asked again if someone was staying with him just during the day during the week. I said Ilene was with him 24/7. Then he said you mean 24/5! He will see him again in six months.

On Monday Dad was more active than usual. Instead of just watching me set up a jigsaw puzzle, he came over and attempted to help me turn over the pieces. He did that well, but couldn't seem to get the pieces together. He was trying to put pieces together that obviously did not match. I tried to explain the flat side edge pieces. It was fun to share an activity.

We had a nice dinner, sharing some crusted cod, chicken stir-fry, pea pods and broccoli and fried rice. I also ate half a piece of cake with a small scoop of ice cream and half a piece of impossible pie. Later I had some bread pudding and popcorn.

Monday, January 21, 2008

To work at 9:pm

Hi i arrived at the Dancys around 9:pm
Mr Dancy was watching a movie.I
Gave him his medication and he is still
Watching tv.Ilene

Weekend with Dad

It got really cold this weekend in the 20s. Hopefully it will go back to the 40s soon. I almost got frostbite on my face on my run this Sunday.

Dad seemed a bit lethargic today compared to his norm. He slept a lot during the day on Saturday according to Bettie. He had to be coaxed to eat his dinner.

On Sunday he ate about half of his dinner, one slice of pizza and 1/2 of his salad. Though he did eat all of his ice cream and cake. I ended up eating his other slice of pizza. I have a hard time with pizza! I did manage to save half of the pizza and hopefully it will taste just as good next weekend (stored in the freezer). In the morning he did a few stretches while I was doing my yoga routine. [Mostly his arms go up and down.]

I plan to take Dad to my house on this Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. Then come back for dinner. Ilene will come back about 8 pm.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Dad's Visit With Dr. Lichstein

Yesterday was a busy day for Dad and me. We went to visit Dr. Lichstein. Dr. Lichstein reviewed Dad's medicines. His blood pressure was slightly higher 150 or so. But Ilene is recording his Bp on a weekly basis. He thinks that Dad should have lotion applied to his back and chest twice daily for itching. He doesn't think much of using the Claritin and Benadryl all the time. I am going to stop the Claritin and continue the Benadryl at night for a while and gradually stop it and see how it goes.

Dad seemed very alert. He also got a chest x-ray for the use of the Senior Services for monitoring tuberculosis.

Dad will also get his B12 injection at the VA or Donna Myrick RN (Suzie's mother in law) will inject him once a month. I will give a money card to Ilene once a month for checking BP-such as Burger King or Starbucks. I can give some money to Donna as well. ($40-50?)

When we got back we ate some dinner--Hawaiian chicken and cod, mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables (I made the vegetables). I ate Dad's roll, along with a brownie and a sugar free cookie, (Dad ate one of the cookies). I then passed out on the couch for an hour until Suzie came by and I returned to work until Midnight. Since Ilene is off this Friday for her once-a-month job, Bettie came by after her job at Homestead Hills and is there now until Suzie comes by again this afternoon for a few hours before I get off work at 7 pm. Bettie will spend one more night as well, so I can get to exercise class tomorrow. Then I will be back tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

''Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am,i assisted him in the bathroom before,
Breakfast. We went for a short walk to the
Mail box after lunch and did our exercise,
Routine. His activities today are,walking,
He cut out and stenciled some pictures and
Watched some tv.His appetite was good
Eating 100%.He is watching tv at this time.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Today was a nice quiet day for Mr
Dancy,he was up at 7:30 am ,i assisted
Him with a shower,sitz bath, back-rub
And skin care.After breakfast we cut
Out some pictures and worked a puzzle.
It was too cold to take a long walk so
We walked to the mailbox and back.
His appetite was good,95%. Mr Dancy
Is relaxing by the tv.Ilene

Monday, January 14, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi ,I picked Mr Dancy up from senior services
At 4:pm and returned here at 4:25 pm.Mr
Dancy had a good supper eating 100%.He
Is now relaxing by the tv.Ilene

Friday, January 11, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi , this morning Mr Dancy was up at 7:30
Am,afterwards i assisted him with,sitz..
Bath, Back-rub,shower And skin care
We went for a short walk this morning
And did our exercise routine.i got out the
''hidden object book'' and Mr Dancy
Engaged in the search for the hidden objects.
His appetite was good today,100%. i took
His bp at 6:15 it was 130/80.He is relaxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Thursday, January 10, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up at 7:30 am i assisted
him in the bathroom before taking him to
Senior services. We left at 9:30 this morning
And arrived here at 4:30 pm.Mr Dancys
Appetite was good today,100%.He is relxing
By the tv at this time.Ilene

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am,i assisted him in the bathroom before
Breakfast. We did our exercise routine
And afterwards went for a walk. We got
Out the ''hidden object book'' and searched
For hidden objects. Mr Dancy watched some
Tv and nodded on and off,listened to opera
For a time.His appetite was good ,100%.
He is relaxing by the tv at this time. Ilene

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi ,Mr dancy was up this morning at 7:30
Am, i assisted him with a shower, sitz bath
Back-rub,skin care and ear wax removal.
After breakfast we did our exercises and
Later went for a walk. We did some games
''hidden object book'' and Mr Dancy put
Together the US map. He was very much
Alert today and his appetite was good,100%.
He is watching tv at this time.Ilene

Monday, January 07, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up at 4:pm and
Arrived here at 4:30 , I saw the morning
Pills in the pill container and gave him his
Medication with his supper,he ate 95%.
He is now relaxing by the tv. Ilene

Friday, January 04, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a nice quiet day,
He was up this morning at 7:30 am,
I assisted him with a shower, sitz bath
Back- rub, skin care and ear wax
Removal.His appetite today was 100%.
For activity we read more poetry and
Used the ''hidden object book''. I took
Mr Dancys BP at 4:30 pm it was 120/70.
The trash had not been picked up here
And several houses on this street by
2:pm today i called the city and they
Were here by 3:30 pm.Ilene

Thursday, January 03, 2008

' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
am, i assisted him with grooming and getting
Ready for senior services, i took him there
At 9:30 am and picked him up at 4:30 pm,
His appetite was good today, 100%. He
had a good day and is now relaxing by the
tv. Ilene

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

'' Through The Eyes Of Children''

'' As the children watch the scene take place
They looked down and saw the leaves'',
The Children were washing themselves
with Rain drops,
the rain drops rained down to the
River as the children began to play.
The children Returned home to play with their toys,
They wrote down their cares,
joys and worry,
They greeted nature that day
and longed to See the stars that night that sparkled in the sky.
After a time they drifted off to sleep
dreaming Of the world they left behind.'

Creative Writing: By Charles Dancy as told to Ilene Simmons

'' Mr Dancys Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up this morning at 7:30
am,i assisted him with a shower, sitz bath,
Back-rub and skin care. He has been resting
Well and the rash and itching is much better.
This morning we did our exercise routine,
And afterwards we listened to opera and
Worked on the ''hidden object book'', Mr
Dancy read poetry and put together a poem
That he created.His appetite was good 100%.
He seemed to have a good day,the poem
That he wrote will follow.Ilene

Dad's New Years

On New Years Eve, Dad and I went to the Pops concert at Reynolds Auditorium with the Winston-Salem Symphony and featuring a soprano who sang both opera pop tunes, and some dancers who performed the dream sequence from Oklahoma. It was great!

New Years Dad came to my house. We had take out from the dining hall featuring Moravian chicken pie, shrimp newberg, pasta and vegetables and bread pudding, and of course some collard greens. (I skipped the black eye peas). I ate a small amount of collard greens, but I couldn't get Dad to eat them even though I said eating would give him luck or money! We then went downstairs to watch football games. He fell asleep after a while and I attempted to clean out some junk in the closet (small room off basement).

Dad had a bit of diarrhea but otherwise was okay. Luckily I had a change of clothes for him at my house.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

'' Mr Dancys Evening''

Hi, I arrived at Mr Dancys home at 7:pm,
Mr Dancy was watching tv ,i took him to
The bathroom several times,he had diarhea,
Cathy suggested i give him 'pepto bismol'' i
Did and it seemed to help him.Mr Dancy is
Watching tv at this time.Ilene