On Monday Dad had his appointment with Dr. Gee. I brought in the most recent report from Dr. Lichstein and he agreed with all the medications that had been prescribed. He suggested in general we see him every 6 months, starting in 4 months (to line up with Dad's last appt with Lichstein and do bloodwork at that time, etc.) Dad was friendly, but not that aware...couldn't say that he was in California. Brought up being on a ship for 12 months. He weighed 147 (with shoes on.) His temperature was low (95.) His blood pressure was a little high, but the doctor thought that could have been the effort of getting into the office, on the table and being somewhere new. The doctor mentioned that with many of the dementia patients he sees, many are doing fairly well physically, like Dad. I didn't inquire further, but wondered later if he meant as opposed to Alzheimer's or exactly what.
Earlier in the week, Dad got agitated one night about money (same day we had CNN for some time talking about the stimulus package.) He started to get angry with me telling me I had to put my money in that fund. This is the hardest part for me, when Dad gets upset with me for something he doesn't understand. I have to work on trying to divert his attention I suppose. I tried saying that I was talking to all of you and that his money was safe, etc, though at one point I was a little upset and had to ask him not to yell at me (it's so hard not to take it personally!) Later he even said "you're taking my money". I had to walk away to the kitchen. He got up from the dinner table and just stood for awhile. Eventually he said "well I hope the bank turns you down" but then calmed down after that. However, the next day, he asked Lois for his wallet so I believe it is still on his mind.
One other quirky thing I noted...when sitting on the toilet, I noticed Dad always would take the toilet paper and "roll" it over the back. I figured out that he thinks the toilet roll should unfold to the back, not the front, so I changed it around and now he doesn't do that.
Dad had his usual berries/fruit with a dab of whip cream for dessert tonight, but I also gave him a small chocolate heart candy Dylan had gotten for Valentines. On the way to bed, he worked his way to the counter to grab the other piece of candy that was there. He certainly doesn't seem to have any problems with his eyesight!
Dad will head to Ken & Judy's tomorrow afternoon.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I forgot to also mention that this evening Dad called to me in the kitchen (from the couch in the family room), saying "What do I do now Jennie?"
Also, about a week or ten days ago, I was showing him the large photo of all of us 6 kids with Mom & Dad from the beach in the black frame that i sent out here from W-S. He was naming everyone as I asked him. When I pointed to Jennie, he said "that's Ruby", and I said "no, Ruby's your sister, that's your daughter, Jennie". He gave a belly laugh. He got everyone but couldn't name me! When I said, "that's me, Barbara", again I got a belly laugh.
Also, about a week or ten days ago, I was showing him the large photo of all of us 6 kids with Mom & Dad from the beach in the black frame that i sent out here from W-S. He was naming everyone as I asked him. When I pointed to Jennie, he said "that's Ruby", and I said "no, Ruby's your sister, that's your daughter, Jennie". He gave a belly laugh. He got everyone but couldn't name me! When I said, "that's me, Barbara", again I got a belly laugh.
Dad's Rainy Monday
Ken brought Dad home last night and reported a good weekend (though said Dad didn't seem to eat much). Today was a rainy, windy and cold day in LA, and we had a planned electricity outage from 10 to 4 (while they did some upgrades). Dad and Lois took it in stride and seemed to have a good day. My kids were out of school, but we were in and out with some dentist and doctor's appointments.
Anyway, this evening and a little bit last night for that matter, I noticed that Dad seemed to be walking and moving around with more strength. Particularly, tonight, he was moving much quicker in his walker, and initiating actions with less prompting (getting up, pulling his own pants down in the toilet, maneuvering to the right spots, etc.) He actually was in quite a jolly mood this evening as well. He cracked up when I asked him how old he would be in 3 days on his birthday. He kept mentioning something about some "medal on a chain", and how it must have been moved from the drawer, and then he would laugh. He brought up Allen's name as well. Just seemed to be in good spirits overall, and quicker in his responses and physical movement. We also watched the president's press briefing...in general it seems to me that Dad pays more attention to the television here than what I remember, but I probably wasn't paying close enough attention. Also, I have the large screen, so that might help. I tend to keep the TV on CNN in the evening. I think Lois and he watch I Love Lucy at Noon every day.
I'm still feeling quite good about the work Lois is doing. She interacts and talks with him quite a bit. For example, today she was reviewing his old Navy boat yearbook with him and letting him tell the stories about it. Also, she's very diligent about the exercises and walking.
Anyway, this evening and a little bit last night for that matter, I noticed that Dad seemed to be walking and moving around with more strength. Particularly, tonight, he was moving much quicker in his walker, and initiating actions with less prompting (getting up, pulling his own pants down in the toilet, maneuvering to the right spots, etc.) He actually was in quite a jolly mood this evening as well. He cracked up when I asked him how old he would be in 3 days on his birthday. He kept mentioning something about some "medal on a chain", and how it must have been moved from the drawer, and then he would laugh. He brought up Allen's name as well. Just seemed to be in good spirits overall, and quicker in his responses and physical movement. We also watched the president's press briefing...in general it seems to me that Dad pays more attention to the television here than what I remember, but I probably wasn't paying close enough attention. Also, I have the large screen, so that might help. I tend to keep the TV on CNN in the evening. I think Lois and he watch I Love Lucy at Noon every day.
I'm still feeling quite good about the work Lois is doing. She interacts and talks with him quite a bit. For example, today she was reviewing his old Navy boat yearbook with him and letting him tell the stories about it. Also, she's very diligent about the exercises and walking.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Dad's Weekend

Dad had a nice weekend. Lois worked on Saturday 8 to 4, and also came today 8 to Noon. (Haydee will normally work Sundays, but couldn't make it today, so Lois agreed to work.)
Speaking of Lois, she's really working out great. She's very conscientious and in my opinion has a wonderful demeanor for Dad. They read the paper together (and helps Dad to look at the ads.) SHe also mentioned that she thought Dad must have exercised a lot in the past. She said yesterday on one of their walks (they take at lest two a day outside) that when she praised him, he seemed motivated to show her he could do more! Dad really seems to like her. He was talking to her today about looking forward to seeing her with her family. I've attached a photo.
WE will go watch the game now!