It was difficult coming to see Dad, I was anxious to see how he was doing. I was relieved to see he was getting good care from Lois. Lois is very disciplined and has Dad on a schedule that helps him.
Things are more hectic at Ken's house, but Kenny seems very caring and helpful with Dad. Judy is very busy with her work and children, but seems very caring towards Dad as well. The only thing is that the change of coming to Ken's house makes Dad regress such that he only gets settled in by the time he has to go back! I recommended to Ken that he get a toilet seat riser that would help Dad sit down easier. They are on sale at the pharmacy near his home and also I have one that I could mail.
I really wish Dad was back in Winston-Salem! I go back and forth because obviously he would need to be in a nursing home and of course that is not as good as one-on-one care that he is getting with Lois and living in a home is also a better situation. When I asked him he said he wanted to go back to Winston-Salem, (but it would not be the same situation of course).
DAD is very much a part of my life; I still feel emotionally attached to him especially on weekends, when I normally spend a lot of time with him.
Anyway, this is the end of my Blog--it now belongs to Barb and Ken! Best Wishes and enjoy your time with Dad!
p.s. i might add more later when my thoughts start to gel about the week there.