Friday, July 31, 2009

Mr Dancy Update Friday

Mr Dancy woke up and showered and ate breakfast and dosed off pretty much during the day. He appeared to be tired because he was moving very slowly today. He tried to participate in a puzzle game but it was very limited assuming that he was tired. He later went outside for his morning walk and set outside a little and then went inside and had lunch. Later he waited for me to gather his belongings to travel with him to his son house. He did not conversate much today other than that he had a pretty good day.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mr Dancy Update Thursday

Mr Dancy had a good day today. He showered, ate breakfast and participated 30 minutes in a card game. He moved around well and was not sleepy today very alert. He walked both morning and afternoon participating in both legs and arm exercises. He held conversation off and on throughout the day. He ate lunch and participated in another game activity and that was pretty much the outcome of today.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mr Dancy Update Wednesday

Mr Dancy went to the doctor this morning for blood work. He returned home and ate breakfast and slept the majority of the day. I think maybe there is a possibility that he was tired from the trip to the doctor and just needed to rest. He later ate lunch dosing off and on after about an hour he finally finished. He did not participate in any activities today and conversations were minimal. Overall i would say that he had a fair day.

Charles Dancy Update Tuesday

Mr Dancy started the day off this morning not wanting to get up. After several prompts he finally responded. He showered and ate well for breakfast and participated in a puzzle game for about 30 minutes. He then went for his morning walk and set outside at the patio and dosed and then as i attempted to get him to go the restroom for a diaper change he would not get up. He stated that going to the bathroom is just to much for him. Later after waiting a while he finally responded. He then went back outside to sit at the patio table and had lunch he would take a few bites and then dose and had to be reminded on several occassions to finish his meal and finally he did. Later on he was asked to go to the bathroom for another diaper change and he refused to get up. I waited and waited and he never responded. I had to ask barb to speak with him to go and get his diaper change and he responded immediately. However, i would like to say that he did participate in afternoon exercises with both hands and legs and maybe he just may have been a little tired today from the doctors appointment on yesterday. Hopefully he will get rested tonight and will have a better day tommorrow.

Charles Dancy Update Monday

Mr Dancy had a pretty good day today. He was taken to the dermatology after eating a large breakfast and prepared for his stitches to be removed from the surgery of last week. He moved around pretty good at the doctors appointment, there were no problems noted. The doctor explained to both he and i about the surgery which took place last week and that he would be coming back in next Monday to check the upper body. We went back home he ate a late lunch and rested the rest of the evening.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

CharlesDancy Update Saturday

Mr Dancy had a good day today. He showered ate a big breakfast and participated a little in a puzzle game. He went for a walk both morning and afternoon. He did not eat much for lunch today. He rested a little after lunch and then he participated in exercising with a small ball with arm and leg exercises until for approximately 10 minutes. He was very talkative today and spoke a lot about his wife today and other things as well. He did appear to become somewhat tired at the end of the day. Overall i would say today was a good day for him.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Charles Dancy Update Friday

Mr Dancy had a good day today. He showered and ate breakfast and participated in a card game for about 40 minutes. He walked both morning and afternoon and sit outside for awhile where he dosed off to sleep a couple of times. He later came in and prepared for lunch and ate part of his lunch and dosed off and finished it up later. He participated in conversation a little today. He viewed his war log book of USS New Jersey this evening and played the building blocks game a little. Overall i would say he had a pretty good day.

Dad's skin cancers

Wanting to catch everyone up with regards to Dad's skin cancers.

At the initial visit with the new dermatologist (Justine attended with me), Dr. Iwasaki immediately identified 3 spots of concern on Dad's face. As previously mentioned, the 1st two were tested to be a melanoma and a squamous cell on his upper left cheek and forehead respectively. Dad was referred to a specialist and these cancers were successfully removed. The melanoma was considered "in citu" meaning that it had not spread. The 3rd spot around the fold of his mouth next to his cheek was identified as a basal cell. Dad had his appointment with Dr. Iwasaki this past Monday to have it removed in the office. It turned out that the cancer was quite deep, and in fact the doctor told me today that they were not able to get to all of it at the appointment on Monday. She was going to recommend referring him to the specialist to try and remove the remainder.

I raised my concern about the importance of continuing to have Dad subjected to these surgeries (certainly doesn't like all the needles in his face and he is usually quite tired the 1st few days following the surgery). Dr. Iwasaki mentioned that a basal cell rarely will metasticize, so that depending upon how much longer we expect Dad to live, it would not likely kill him. She did mention that it could possibly move to his gum, and perhaps cause some pain, but not necessarily. We also talked about the fact that she had previously recommended that after these initial 3 surgeries, Dad should have a full-body inventory. We have to split it up into two appointment (above waist, below waist), and I have scheduled the 1st appt for Monday, August 3rd. My thinking is it would be good to understand how much more we might be looking at having to address, before we make any decisions about proceeding with another surgery. Specifically, I think it would be beneficial to know if there are any more melanomas, or squamous cells, which have a greater potential to metasticize in the blood stream and adversely affect Dad's end of life.

Dr. Iwasaki also suggested bringing up the question of Dad's life expectancy with the doctor (he has an appointment next week) and to get his input on the necessity of the surgeries. It would be nice to have Dr. Lichstein's input on this since he knows so much more about Dad...did he ever offer and thoughts on Dad's life expectancy?

Everyone's input on this matter is greatly appreciated.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Charles Dancy Update

Mr Dancy had a very good day today. He started with showering and ate a good breakfast and participated in activities of exercising and putting the puzzle together. He walked both morning and afternoon and participated in legs exercises and worked on another puzzle. He moved around very well today and conversated a little today. He ate very little for lunch appeared to be somewhat sleepy. Overall i would say that he had a good day.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moved better today

Dad was more willing to walk and move today. Appetite remains good. He was commenting about seeing Dylan in his casts..."looks like he has white socks on!"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dad having a harder time transitioning

The gals and I are starting to see an increase in times in which Dad doesn't want to get up (not necessarily out of bed in the morning, but from say a seated position to go to eat or do an activity.) I hadn't seen it so much before when i'm with him, but now it's starting to happen to me too. Before Lois would sometimes need me to step in to encourage Dad to get up. Now I sometimes have to recruit Paul to step in to get Dad to get up for me! Tonight was one of those occasions. It also seemed like he was having difficulty knowing the right things to do with his hands. For example, going to the sink after toileting...usually knows when I show him the toothbrush to grab it and start brushing...instead reached for the soap with just one hand. When I placed the toothbrush in his hand, he treated it like it was a bar of soap and ran it under the water instead of putting it in his mouth (until I corrected him.) When I try to talk to him, I'll ask him..."do you want to have dinner"..."yes,", so you need to get up .. "I don't like that." Tonight, after Paul prompted him to get up, he did eat his dinner that was placed in front of him, (though needed a lot of encouragement and instruction for holding the corn on the cob...though then ate it all.)

It could be that this is just a "tired" day after the big outing from yesterday. It's also interesting because last night he actually woke up and got up in the room around 11pm (I could hear him over the monitor.) It was similar to what he's done before in that situation in which he's looking for his shoes, and/or confused and seemingly trying to get his bearings. Was also questioning..."where's my bedroom", and needed to walk around the house a little for me to convince him that was his bedroom. But anyway, the interesting thing is how in that situation, his physical capabilities seem better...he walks much more quickly and is anxious to try and get around (unlike today in which he won't move.) Makes me think that the lack of movement, slow walking has more to do with his mental state than physical. Just a thought.

I'll keep you posted. I also talked to Lois today about doing some blogging, so will try to get her set up soon.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day at the park

Today, Haydee was here for Dad, and Laura was here for Dylan. The four of them went to a park in San Pedro (about 20 mins from my house) that is by the marina...nice flat area with lots of benches and walking paths Gorgeous day here. They recently returned and reported how much Dad seemed to enjoy the location. I noticed it earlier today, and they also mentioned that Dad was really talking very coherently. Apparently he was very talkative during their visit up until he woke from a brief nap he took while there.

Physically it seems that Dad has been putting up more of a fuss lately about moving. Not all the time, but at certain times he seems to get situated and doesn't want to get up. He continues to do a lot of scratching of his scalp and shoulder areas. He's also gotten into this mode of "screeching" or making shivering-type sounds. As I mentioned before, it seems like it started during the hemorrhoid episode (in reaction to the suppositories).

Justine asked, and i will follow through on asking Lois to start blogging on Dad's day... particularly now that he's got his computer and I have it set up on his desk in the bedroom (though it is a very small screen and keyboard.)

Dad is scheduled to go to Ken's house this coming Thursday thru Sunday.