Monday, April 21, 2008

Dad's Weekend

It was a busy weekend for Dad. I came by Friday night and stayed until 11:30 when Bettie called from the Homestead. I picked her up and went home for the evening. Saturday morning I went for a walk/jog with the fitness group. I stopped at Mary's of Course where Jacob and Suzie work on the weekend. Suzie was sitting down for some breakfast and Jacob was getting ready to be a waitor.

Later that afternoon I took Bettie to work. Dot Hughes came by for her interview so I asked if she wanted to stay with Dad for a couple of hours while I went to a symphony pops concert featuring an Elvis look-alike. I really liked him singing "the wonder of you" and several others, even though I am not really an Elvis fan.

Dot seemed nice but I told her for now she would just be a fill-in on the weekend. I might call her on Sunday, not sure.

Sunday Dad and I went to the musical "Jekyll and Hyde". I invited Ceil Davis and Judy Davis and a friend Susan Britt, who helped me walk Dad. We had great front row seats and it was very entertaining.

Last night Dad got up in the middle of the night and came into my room. He said that he was starving and hadn't eaten for 10 hours. So I told him to go to the kitchen. (I was too sleepy to get up). He took out some frozen pancakes and put some walnuts into the freezer. He didn't actually eat anything that I could tell, but I decided to serve the pancakes this morning. He got back into bed and was still asleep when I woke up at 8. He was awake about 9 am.

Today, I was worried since Dad hadn't had a bowel movement since Friday. So I kept him home to wait for him to have one. I gave him a laxative, some prune juice, some coffee. After lunch I got ready to go to the store, so I put him on the toilet first and he calmly had a BM! I guess the stool softener must be helping as well. I also wanted to get a sample for cancer test. I have to get three days in the row samples.

We went to the grocery store, which I have never done before with him. When we got to the store, Dad sat on one of those "rascals" and followed me around the store. He seemed to enjoy himself, and steered it around just fine, even though I was a bit apprehensive.

It was really busy today and I got Dad to senior services about an hour before Ilene was to pick him up.

She will stay until midnight when Bettie will come over from her job. I will see Dad again on Wednesday. I will come by and see how Bettie is doing and get things from the drug store.

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