Friday, December 29, 2006

''Mr Dancys' Day."

Hi, Mr Dancy had all of his meals and medicatios for the day.It was a very nice day so we took a
walk this morning and in the afternoon. Mr Dancy was up several times last night,i took him to
the bathroom and later gave him something to drink,he seemed fine and was agreeable to going
back to bed where he rested until 7:30 am. he didnt want to participate in any games however
i pulled them out anyway.sometimes he is receptive and sometimes he does not want to engage
in that particular activity. He watched sports on tv and listened to music later in the afternoon.
Ilene Simmons

Thursday, December 28, 2006

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a good day.this morning we went out for a walk before lunch.he listened to
music and later watched a baseball game and a boxing match. It was such a nice day that we
went for a walk this afternoon. This morning around 3:am Mr Dancy got up and walked around
I asked him did he want to go to the bathroom and he answered yes. After going to the bathroom he seemed fine and wanted to go back to bed. He slept until 7:45,he seemed well rested. He had all his meals and medications . All in all, he had a good day. Ilene Simmons

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a nice quite day today,we went for a walk before lunch,Mr Dancy listened to music and we worked a puzzle,he also watched a football game.He had all his medications and
meals. Ilene Simmons

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

''Day after Christmas''

Hi, I got to the Dancy home at 4:pm. Mr Dancy arrived at 4:30. He said he had a good christmas, he was quite most of the evening. I picked his supper up and he ate all of it and took
his evening meds. He slept in the chair and appeared very tired.Around 9:30 i helped him get
ready for bed.Ilene Simmons

Dad's Christmas

Dad had a nice Christmas evening. We celebrated the evening with Suzie and Jacob at my house with an hor d'oueveres meal followed by ice cream cake. We unwrapped the gifts. Dad got some slippers, but since I forgot to take out the cardboard inserts, at first he said they were too tight!

On Christmas morning, Dad and I went to Mass, then had a meal at the dining hall. Then we went to my house for a lazy afternoon.

Today we will go to my house to help clean up and make some clam chowder.

Dad did okay this weekend, but last night he got up and spent quite some time snoozing in the easy chair. (I don't think he slept much in his own bed).

Friday, December 22, 2006

''Mr Dancys' Day''

hi,mr Dancy had a very good day,he was very alert today,he worked a holiday puzzle by himself
and afterwards we played bingo,he seemed to enjoy the day.he had all of his meals and ........
medications he said he was looking forward to christmas.he has been resting very well at night.
ilene simmons

Thursday, December 21, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi,mr Dancy went for a walk this morning,took all his medications and had all of his meals.i got the bingo game out and he participated .he watched a ball game afterwards.he is doing very well.
ilene simmons

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi, after breakfast mr Dancy and i went for a walk,he stated that' he enjoyed the bright sunshine
even though it was chilly.''we worked on a word game afterwards and read some scriptures.
he watched a football game for awhile and listened to music in the afternoon.he had all of his meals and medications and seemed to have a good day.ilene simmons

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi,mr Dancy had a good day,he has been much more alert the last two days.we went for a walk
this morning,mr Dancy had lunch around 12:pm.we looked at past christmas cards and family
pictures.he said he was looking forward to christmas.he had all of his meals and medications.he
has been in a very happy mood.ilene simmons

Monday, December 18, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi,i picked mr Dancy up from senior services this afternoon about 4:15,we returned back to mr
Dancys home around 4:35.i called his meal in,and picked it up around 5:30.he had a good supper
and took his medication.he is still watching tv.ilene simmons

Friday, December 15, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi,mr Dancy had a good quite day;this morning we went for a walk,afterwards we played a game
of checkers looked through magazines.the nurse came this afternoon ,she gave mr Dancy his
b-12 shot and examined him, she said he was doing good ,no swelling in ankles.he had all of his
medications and meals,he also watched a football game ,this afternoon.ilene simmons

Thursday, December 14, 2006

''The Christmas Party''

hi,mr Dancy had all of his medications and meals today.i took him out for a walk after breakfast.
at 5:pm i got mr Dancy dressed and took him to the christmas party at the salem dining hall.
he made two new friends who wanted to visit with him sometime.he had a good supper...beef
tenderloin,aspargus,red cabbage,tossed salad,and a glass of wine and water.also desert.carolers
came to sing holiday songs dressed in late 1800 Dancy enjoyed the songs.he had a
really good day.ilene simmons

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi,mr Dancy had a pleasant day,we went out for a walk this morning and also this
Dancy identified family pictures today and we played bingo .mr Dancy watches either a football
or basketball game in the evening. he had a good supper this afternoon and had all his meds.he
rested well last night.ilene simmons

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

''mr Dancys day''

hi,mr Dancy had a nice quite day.i informed cathy this morning that mr Dancy did not sleep
very well last night.he was up several times,he went to the front door i heard him, and i talked
to him a few minutes and gave him something to drink.he sat up awhile and went back to bed.
his left eye was red this morning,cathy told me to put a warm compress on the eye or use eye
drops.i wanted to get permission from cathy before using eye drops.i used the eye drops and his eye looks a lot better.we went for a walk today and played a game of checkers.i will continue
to monitor him at night and stay alert for his continued safety.ilene simmons

Monday, December 11, 2006

'mr Dancys evening'

hi,mr Dancy returned home this afternoon around 6:pm.he ate a good supper,took medications
watched tv and prepared for bed around 10:pm.ilene simmons

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Football Saturday

Yesterday Dad watched the various games on TV while I ran around balancing my checkbook, looking at the computer, paperwork, etc.

However, I did take time out every once in a while to set up a new jigsaw puzzle.

Then Dad and I had a nice meal at the Dining Hall. Dad had trout, I had the lamb chops. Dad also had one glass of wine, as did I. (I told the staff 1/2 glass for Dad but they gave him a whole glass). Several ladies stopped by and said hello. The piano lady also played some Xmas tunes.

Afterwards, I sat for awhile and then proceeded to eat more food, including chocolate, cookies, crackers with butter, etc. I was quite full, but had to eat every bit of chocolate in the house. When Dad looked at me funny, I offered him some crackers as well, plus the ends from his lunch-time sandwich. Luckily, my main chocolate stash is at my home; I will try to hide it well and hope my short term memory does not come back before Christmas!

Dad spent the night in the chair--I woke up early in the am and got him to the bathroom and into the bed.

Then today we had a nice breakfast. Bettie will come by today to watch Dad this afternoon and evening. I will go to church, run, then my Book Club in the early evening.

Friday, December 08, 2006

''mr Dancys' day.''

hi,it was extremely cold here today ,i didnt think it was a good idea to take mr Dancy out walking.he had all his meals and medications.we read scriptures worked a puzzle and mr Dancy
identified family pictures.all in all 'he had a good day.ilene simmons

Thursday, December 07, 2006

mr Dancys' day'

hi,mr Dancy had a nice day,he had lunch with cathy,seemed very relaxed today.after breakfast
it wasnt too cold so we went for a walk.he watched a game this afternoon and had supper and
the last medication for the day.we read some scriptures from psalms,he said he enjoyed hearing
the psalms was a good day.ilene simmons

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

''mr Dancys' day'

hi, it was cold outside today,so i waited until the early evening to take mr Dancy for a walk.he had all of his meals and medications.we worked a puzzle and read scripture from psalms and proverbs.cathy told me to light a candle for mr Dancy when he is sad,i lit the candle for him this afternoon he seemed a little sad.he is in
happier spirits tonight.ilene simmons

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi,took mr Dancy for a walk after lunch,he had all his meals and medications for the day,he seemed a little tired this afternoon.he watched tv and listened to music.he had a quite pleasant day.ilene simmons

Friday, December 01, 2006

''mr Dancys' day''

hi,mr Dancy had a nice quite day.we waited until after lunch to go for a walk,it was rainy and Dancy
identified pictures and participated in a word game.he had all of his medications and meals.the nurse came by
this afternoon,she checked his bp' and it was good ,lower than before.he is in good spirit and doing very well.
ilene simmons