Sunday, December 10, 2006

Football Saturday

Yesterday Dad watched the various games on TV while I ran around balancing my checkbook, looking at the computer, paperwork, etc.

However, I did take time out every once in a while to set up a new jigsaw puzzle.

Then Dad and I had a nice meal at the Dining Hall. Dad had trout, I had the lamb chops. Dad also had one glass of wine, as did I. (I told the staff 1/2 glass for Dad but they gave him a whole glass). Several ladies stopped by and said hello. The piano lady also played some Xmas tunes.

Afterwards, I sat for awhile and then proceeded to eat more food, including chocolate, cookies, crackers with butter, etc. I was quite full, but had to eat every bit of chocolate in the house. When Dad looked at me funny, I offered him some crackers as well, plus the ends from his lunch-time sandwich. Luckily, my main chocolate stash is at my home; I will try to hide it well and hope my short term memory does not come back before Christmas!

Dad spent the night in the chair--I woke up early in the am and got him to the bathroom and into the bed.

Then today we had a nice breakfast. Bettie will come by today to watch Dad this afternoon and evening. I will go to church, run, then my Book Club in the early evening.

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