Friday, March 30, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi,Mr Dancy was up this morning at 730,he slept well last night only getting up once to go to the bathroom.He had
a good shower and breakfast this morning.We went for a walk around 10:am,his activities for the day are...walking
watching tv,conversation and we turned some of the puzzles into pictures.He had a nice quite day.he had all of his
meals and medications.Ilene Simmons

Thursday, March 29, 2007

''Mr Dancys 'Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a restful night,He was up this morning at 7:30 .he had a good breakfast and was ready to go to senior services by 9:40.I picked him up at exactly 4:oo pm,we were back here at Mr Dancys' home by 4:30 pm.We
left again at 4:40 to go to the salem dining hall for cheese and wine.Mr Dancy seemed to have a good time at the
dinner, he talked a lot with the people there.He ate 100% of his meal which consisted of.....cheese,red wine,club crackers,shrimp with gravy over rice,brocoli,two bowls of chicken soup,chocolate pie,coffee,and water.he had all of
his meals and medication.Ilene Simmons

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up early this morning around 7:00 am,he slept well last night only getting up once to go to the
bathroom.He ate a good breakfast this morning and afterwards we went for a walk.Mr Dancy watched some tv today
and we worked on a puzzle later in the day.He had all of his meals and medications and seems to be doing well.Ilene

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up last night several times,he went to the bathroom each time and later back to bed.He was up this morning at 7:30,he had a good shower and later a good breakfast.His activities for the day are....walking
listening to music,conversation,watching sports on tv and bible study at the model home.He had a full day,had all
meals and medications.Ilene Simmons

Monday, March 26, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Evening''

HI, I picked Mr Dancy up at around 4:pm,We arrived back at his home at 4:30.he had a good supper,ate 95% of his meal.later we went for a walk.He had all his meals and medications.Ilene Simmons

Dad's Weekend

It was a fairly quiet weekend. I worked on the jigsaw puzzle while Dad watched the basketball.

On Sunday we went over to my house. Dad did not eat too well on Sunday though he did try everything, just didn't eat very much. He did manage to finish the ice cream in the evening though.

At the dining hall on Sunday a man came over and talked about his service in the merchant marines in WWII and asked about the size of the Destroyers that Dad served on. Dad didn't say much but he obviously enjoyed the conversation.

Friday, March 23, 2007

'' Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up two different times last night,after going to the bathroom he will usually go back to bed.He was
up this morning around 7:30.He had a good shower and later a good breakfast.We took a early morning walk and
again this afternoon.his activities for the day are...walking,conversation,looking at family photos and we worked
on a puzzle.He seems more alert and seems to have more energy.He had all of his meals and medications.Ilene Simmons

Thursday, March 22, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a nice quiet day,we went for a walk early this morning.Last night was not the best night for Mr
Dancy,he was up at 3:am 4:am and 5:am,i took him to the bathroom each time and changed his brief and pajamas.
He said that he didnt know what time to get up for breakfast,i explained to him that it was too early for breakfast
and i would let him know the breakfast time.He went back to bed around 5:30 and slept until 7:45.The nurse came
by this afternoon to give Mr Dancy his b-12 shot.she said that he was doing fine,he had a good blood pressure 122/70.
He says he is feeling much better.His activities for the day are..walking,listening to music,watching tv,conversation
And we played a game of checkers.He had all his meals and medications.Ilene Simmons

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi Mr Dancy was up early this morning,(7:am.)I prepared him a good breakfast and got him ready to go to senior services.We left at 9:30 and returned back here at 4:30.He said that he had a good day.I fixed his spper around
5:30 and he ate 100% of his meal.He is feeling much better and is walking each day at a good distance.He had all
of his meals and medications for the day.Ilene Simmons

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy is feeling much better today,he had a good shower this morning and breakfast afterwards.We went
for a walk this morning and one this afternoon.He napped on and off today and watched tv and listened to music.
we also looked at family photos.Mr Dancy slept throughout the night and seemed well rested this morning.he is on
his way to feeling good again.He had all of his meals and medications.Ilene Simmons

Monday, March 19, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Evening''

Hi, Mr Dancys seems to be feeling better,he ate 95% of his supper.He had his medications and is now watching tv.
He still seems a little tired but hopefully he will be feeling much better tomorrow.Ilene Simmons

Dad Weak Today

Dad has been in bed all day. Every time I try to help him up he just falls back into bed. He is hurting but I don't know what exactly.

He didn't eat dinner, just some pecan pie and nothing today, just water.

I left a message for Dr. Lichstein. Also the nurse did not come last week--I thought she was scheduled to come. I called the Bayada nurses and Barbara was going to call Theresa and find out what is going on.

Ilene should be here. She can monitor him tonight and see if he improves. I also asked Suzie to drop by after work if she is up to it.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Drive with Dad

I drove down to see Jason's new house with Dad (about 60 miles). Jason wasn't home--out getting his TV screen fixed. One of the remote controls for the Wii system got thrown at the screen and tore it a bit. I guess those games can get violent! It is nicely sodded in the front with straw in the back that will hopefully grow grass really soon. Inside it is airy and nice with a small bedroom next to front door that will be used for computer room. There is a nice master bath with a very large tub! Not sure if it is a hot tub or not. The toilets are lower than Dad's though, so he was surprised when he started to sit down. I was too!

When we got back Dad was too tired to get up and eat dinner. He barely ate 1/2 of a pecan pie. I hope he is okay. Maybe he is coming down with flu or just tired, not sure.

I hope the ride did not tire him; I thought he would enjoy the change of scenery. Oh well.

Friday, March 16, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Today it rained all day,We were able to take a short walk a little while ago.Mr dancy was up two times last night
He wanted to go to the bathroom and was confused the last time that he was up.I talked to him and told him that he
was at his home,i got him something to drink and he seemed to calm down and went back to bed.He had a good shower and breakfast this morning.his activities for the day....walking,conversation,scripture reading and a puzzle.
He had all of his meals and medications and had a nice quite day.Ilene Simmons

Thursday, March 15, 2007

'' Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy slept throughout the night without getting up,He was up this morning around 7:45.He had a good
Breakfast and was ready for an early walk.activities for the day are...walking,working a puzzle,looking at family photos and watching tv and listening to music.He had all of his meals and medications,all in all,a good day. Ilene

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up last night only once and that was to go to the bathroom and back to bed.I got him up around
7:35 to get ready for senior services.He had a good breakfast and a morning walk and we were ready to go around
9:30.We returned here at Mr Dancys' home by 4:30 pm. He had a good supper and had all of his medications.Ilene

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy had a good day.He was up last night only once,to go to the bathroom and back to bed.Mr Dancy was ready to get up at the usual time,7:30.He had a good shower and breakfast.We took a walk later in the morning
And hes doing well since we are walking longer and adding more distance daily.His activities for the day were
Conversation ,games, and watching tv.he is also doing well with his teeth and has no sign of pain or abnormalities.
He had all of his meals and medications and is doing good.Ilene Simmons

Monday, March 12, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, I picked Mr Dancy up this afternoon from senior services,on the way back to mr Dancys' we stopped and picked up his supper.He ate 1oo% of his meal and had his medication.He is watching tv and will retire to bed when he is ready.
Ilene Simmons

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Dad Talks About Mom

Dad wanted to know where Mom was. He had just talked to her yesterday! Anyway it was a difficult conversation, because he kept getting his words mixed up but anyway after a while he went back to the couch and said how "embarrassed" he felt that he had forgotten Mom had died!

Dad seemed a little depressed and I was really tired from helping Jason and Ashley pack, so I didn't get Dad off to bed like I should have. He spent the night in the chair. I woke up at 4 am and was more energized to get Dad ready for bed. Then I went back to bed as well and he and I both slept soundly for 4 hours.

I am making fried eggs and bacon this morning for a change from cereal. I like to do that once a week.

Friday, March 09, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr dancy had a good day,He was up this morning at 7:30,He had a good breakfast and afterwards we went for a
Walk. Mr dancy was up once last night,he came and got me around 2:am,he said amember of his family had been
in a wreck,he was frightened,I explained to him that there had been no accident and everyone was safe at home.He
Had a bad dream ,Yet to him, it seemed so real.I calmed him down and took him to the bathroom and he seemed fine once he knew everyone was alright.Later in the afternoon we played ckeckers most of the evening.He had all of his meals and medications and is doing well.Ilene Simmons

Thursday, March 08, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy slept throughout the night without getting up.I got him ready to go to senior services this morning.he had a good breakfast and seemed to be in a cheerful mood .I picked him up this afternoon,when we arrived back at mr Dancys' home i gave him an early shower he had soiled his clothing due to loose stools.He doesnt seem to be having any discomfort from having his teeth pulled.I gave him the cold pack and the warm pack and also rinsing with the
salt water.He was alert today and engaged in conversation.He had all of his meals and medications and i will
continue to monitor him for anything unusual concerning his trip to the dentist.Ilene Simmons

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up one time last night to go to the bathroom and back to bed.He was up this morning around 7:45
He ate a good breakfast and later in the morning we went for a walk,He walked longer this time,it was warm and
sunny, he enjoys walking when it is warm.He didn't seem to be in any discomfort from getting his teeth pulled .......
However i continued giving him the salt water to rinse with and also i applied the warm pack as instructed to the
affected side. He did seem a little tired today and took naps on and off.He had all of his meals and medications for the
day.Ilene Simmons

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

'' Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy slept throughout the night,He was up this morning around 6:30,i gave him a good shower and later
in the morning we went to the salem dining hall for the ''Mens Breakfast'',He seemed to enjoy the food and friends.
He is doing much better after getting his teeth pulled,I applied the cold pack and gave him a tylenol when needed,he
rinsed well with salt water,that should be helpful in the healing process.We played a game of checkers and went for
A walk later in the evening.He had all of his meals and medications,all in all a good day.Ilene Simmons

Monday, March 05, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Evening''

Hi, Mr dancy seems to be doing good,he had some pain in his jaw earlier,i applied a cold pack to the affected area and
gave him a tylenol.He had his supper and medication.I will continue to monitor him for pain or anything unusual.
Ilene Simmons

Dad This Weekend

Dad woke up in the middle of the night. He came in my room. He decided to sit in the chair for a while. When I woke up this morning he was back in bed.

I will be taking Dad to the dentist this morning to have his loose tooth looked at.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dad's Weekend

Dad was doing okay on Friday night.

Saturday morning, I asked him to floss. He was reluctant so I started the process. I noticed that his right bottom front tooth was loose. So, I called the dentist and he will come in on Monday morning.

Friday, March 02, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up last night only once ,he used the bathroom and went back to bed.He was ready to get up this
morning at 7:30.He had a good shower and dressed and was ready for breakfast. We went for a walk later in the
morning.Cathy gave me permission to walk Mr Dancy further and he did very well.later I brought out some games and Mr Dancy participated in the bingo game.He had all meals and medications and had a good day.Ilene Simmons

Thursday, March 01, 2007

''Mr Dancys' Day''

Hi, Mr Dancy was up last night only once to use the bathroom and back to bed.He was up this morning at7:45,after
washing up he ate a good breakfast.Later we did unscramble words,he also listened to music and before it rained we
went for a walk.He seemed well rested today and very alert.He had all of his meals and medications.A good day.
Ilene Simmons