Friday, April 02, 2010


Saw Dad today from around 10:30 to Noon. He was more alert today. Nurse said he ate all of his breakfast. When I arrived, PT was just about to start therapy. Dad still cries out a bit with moving...we moved him to the edge of the bed, then we helped move him into a wheelchair. We headed to the "gym" area...we discovered Dad had not yet received any pain meds (new medication nurse had not gotten to him yet, even though his order says he should get Tylenol at 8am and 1pm). She came to give him the meds and PT suggested I walk Dad around a bit and then return for the therapy. He seemed to enjoy the stroll around the place--kept his eyes open. I left him with the therapist to begin therapy, but I had to leave (kids have short day today.)

When strolling we saw the Doctor who was pleased with Dad's alertness. On my way out I asked her if she had any medical concerns (reminding her I was leaving for the week.) She said not anymore having seen him more awake today. Said Dad would be in good hands while I was gone.

I brought in our family beach photo to leave by Dad's bedside.

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