Dad went to see the doctor this past Tuesday as he continued with some coughing and wheezing (though still no distress.) His regular physician (Dr. Gee) wasn't there that day. Dr. Annable had prescribed an anti-biotic and also took x-rays.
Yesterday I got a call from the administrator, Chris, at Emerald Isle who said the caregivers were reporting Dad wasn't getting better and had been wheezing a lot in the morning. Chris contacted the doctor's office, hoping they might call in a prescription, but Dr. Gee, who was there that day, said Dad would need to be seen by him first to re-assess. I took him in for a 4:15 appt. Upon getting him in my van, with help from the caregivers, I did see the wheezing they had been observing. I could definitely hear that his airways seemed a little constricted, but again, he didn't seem too distressed by it. Within a few minutes, the wheezing had stopped and he seemed relax and comfortable. When we were sitting in the waiting room, Dad saw an overweight woman get up who was called to go in and Dad said clearly "She seems pretty heavy walking over there."
When the doctor arrived, he talked about Dad's xrays which did indicate some fluid in his right lung. We discussed the possibility of Dad having aspirated while drinking. Caregivers have said that Dad often coughs when/after drinking. They feel his eating/swallowing of food is fine, but he seems to have more difficulty drinking.
The doctor mentioned that they can run these kinds of swallow tests in the hospital. I told the doctor that if a hospital visit is not essential, I feel it is better for Dad---the experience of Dad in the hospital last year---how agitated, confused, uncomfortable being poked, prodded, moved, etc I personally feel is something to avoid if not necessary. I welcome discussion from others on this matter. The doctor obviously didn't feel it was critical..he prescribed a stronger anti-biotic as well as a diuretic which presumably helps get the fluid out of his lungs. Note that Dad's oxygen level was good (96%), and his BP was fine. The doctor also said he would order a home/health evaluation for speech/occupational therapy to review the drinking/feeding issue. He said that if Dad is having problems, a feeding tube might at some point be recommended. I think this is another discussion we would need to have should we face that decision.
The doctor also brought up the congestive heart condition that was discovered when he was in the hospital last year for his hip break, which may somehow contribute to the fluid in the lung. I should have asked more questions as the connection and the condition are not fully clear to me, but I will try to get more answers at his follow up, which is scheduled on March 17th.
AFter the appointment, I had to call a taxi (the same guy who picks up Dylan in his taxi/van for school) to take Dad home, as it was going to be too difficult for me to get him in my van by myself. I picked up the prescriptions and took everything over to the house. By the time I was there, Dad was happily finishing up his dinner at the table.
Paul and I stopped by today around 11am to see Dad. Anna reported that Dad had not been wheezing all morning. Dad gave Paul a big smile when he saw him. Hopefully he will continue to improve over the weekend.
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