I went to visit Dad today. When I arrived, Dad was asleep in the living room in his recliner. Juana and Al shared with me that on Sunday, Dad was quite anxious, not wanting to sit down, wanting to continue to get up, even after long walks before bed in which Al said his legs were shaking. Dad apparently kept talking about wanting to go somewhere. They administered the Haldol that night, and they said Dad did eventually calm down and sleep through the night. Juana said that for the next couple of days, Dad was very alert and stayed awake during the entire days, no naps. Again, last night he was anxious and they gave him the Haldol. He did go to bed, but they said when they went to see him this morning, they found him lying on the floor (eyes closed, apparently comfortable). He was located in a position in which his feet were partially inside the closet. THere didn't seem to be a sign of a fall. Since the morning, Dad had been sleepy, and that was his situation when I arrived around noon. This is consistent with a pattern I had seen a couple of times where Dad is quite active for a couple of days, and then is VERY sleepy for a couple of days until "leveling" out. Janice was also there today and I discussed it with her as well.
I was able to wake Dad while in his chair to chat with him for a little while. He smiled when I greeted him. The TV was on and a "Music Choice" channel was on. Dad read the words on the TV aloud, and then kept repeating those words "Music Choice". I brought out the multi-photo flip frame and reviewed some of the photos with Dad, asking if he knew who was in the picture. He was able to identify all of his children and Mom, and at some point started saying the names with "choice" afterwards, e.g., "There's Barbara choice" and "That's Jennie choice", etc...
At one point I asked him if he was comfortable living here and he said yes. I left the photo frame open on the dresser with the photo of Cathy & Dad at Emerald Isle a few years ago...Cathy has on a straw-type hat with a rolled brim and it's a close-up from the shoulders up, Dad has on a short-sleeve button shirt that has blues/turquoise in it (remember that one Cathy?)
I just called over there this evening and they reported that Dad was still quite sleepy and would be getting ready for bed soon. I will check in again tomorrow by phone and try to get by again by Friday.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Doctor's appt
Yesterday Dad had 6 month (from annual physical) follow up appointment with Dr. Gee. When I picked Dad up, he was VERY tired. Al reported that Dad had been sleeping well, but had been a little more tired than usual the previous day or two.
We made it very slowly into the doctor's office. When the nurse called us in, he was going so slow and getting too tired so the nurse brought out a wheelchair. She took his blood pressure which was approx 157/76. When the doctor came in, he wanted to take it again and it had gone down to 110/60. No other issues for now. Dad continued to be quite sleepy/tired until return.
When he arrived home, he appeared ready for lunch at the table with his "girlfriends" when I left.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dad's 94th Birthday

Today I went to visit Dad and take him out to lunch for his birthday. At Emerald Isle, they had brought him a cake, so we all sat at the table and sang Happy Birthday to Dad before I took him out (photos below.) I also took some pictures of his room. They had hung the photo of Mom on the wall surrounded by hearts that I brought in when Dad first moved in 3 weeks ago...at some point I plan to bring in more of the navy and other photos from home.
On the way from the house to the car, Al was assisting and Dad was saying he "didn't feel right" and didn't think he could make it, though he continued to walk and make it to the car. When I arrived at Subway (not fancy, but I had to return to my house to pick up Dad's wheelchair, and was a little short on time...besides, this Subway has a nice ocean view!) I asked Dad if he wanted to walk in the walker or sit in the wheelchair, he said he wanted to walk, and did fine the rest of the time. He ate up his turkey sandwich and chips heartily.
During lunch Dad seemed hungry and not too talkative, but responsive to my questions. When I asked him if he liked the new house he said Yes. I mentioned that Ryland and Paul had left early this morning to go snowboarding for the long weekend. Then I asked him if he had ever skied and he said yes, in the mountains. Does anyone know if that's true?
Al mentioned that Dad has been sleeping well ever since the 1st week and said that he felt that Dad had "settled in" nicely. They added Dad's picture to their bulletin board (previously had just the 4 ladies, now Dad's picture is in the center surrounded by the other ladies)...they are calling it "Charlie's Angels."
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Friday night
Tonight I stopped by to see Dad on my way to see a play at the local theater (with several friends from my charity group, Special Children's League.) I brought a gallon of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream over and got him a bowl and sat with him for a little while in the living room. He seemed comfortable and we chatted a little. He mentioned it was nice to see me, and his smile was bright and friendly. Somehow we got to talking about "girlfriends" and I commented that he has a few girlfriends here, and he laughed. I talked about his birthday coming up and when I asked him if he knew how old he would be, he said 73. That is the same age he has told me several times in the past year when I have asked him.
By the way, he has now been moved into the originally planned room (as the other lady has passed away), and it is quite nice.
By the way, he has now been moved into the originally planned room (as the other lady has passed away), and it is quite nice.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Emerald Isle Week 2
On Saturday I called the house to let them know that Ken was planning to come by later in the afternoon. I spoke to Al and he mentioned that Dad got up again the night before (luckily no hitting though!) I think it was just once during the night that he got up, but then Al mentioned that he moved Dad to his recliner, and then he slept there the rest of the night. I suggested that in my experience I thought it was better to get him back to bed, reminding him that it's not time to be awake. I think Al is a bit reluctant to be too firm or insistent with Dad, to ensure Dad doesn't get angry, which I can understand. Hopefully over time they'll get to know each other better and be able to work through this.
On Sunday I stopped by to see Dad. He was relaxing and watching the Laker Game. He gave me a big smile and nice greeting when I saw him, and he was speaking very alertly, though wasn't very talkative. He had slept fine the night before.
I also stopped by to see Dad this evening during dinner. He was enjoying chicken pot pie and a nice lettuce/tomato salad. Seemed too focused on dinner to want to talk to me. I chatted a little with Juana (pronounced Wonna) and Al. They reported that Dad was able to play bingo today without assistance...finding the letters/numbers without help (he didn't do that when I had played with him a couple of weeks ago.) They continue to report that Dad is eating well and having daily bowel movements. I'm not sensing over-concern on their part (at least at this point) about the two incidents with Dad's wake-ups.
However, I have contacted Dad's doctor asking whether he would recommend any kind of medication that could be given to Dad (only as needed) on these nights/instances where he doesn't seem to sleep well and/or gets anxious, agitated or overly confused. Turns out it's not a good idea to give a sleeping pill or "sedative" type of drug as that poses more of a fall risk. He is recommending "Haldol" in a very low dose. My good friend whose husband is a palliative care doctor also recommends it.
Again, the intent would be only to administer on an as-needed basis. When I take the pills over there tomorrow, I"m going to ask that I be contacted whenever they need to give it to him (after the fact of course, but that will allow me to keep track and monitor the situation.)
On Sunday I stopped by to see Dad. He was relaxing and watching the Laker Game. He gave me a big smile and nice greeting when I saw him, and he was speaking very alertly, though wasn't very talkative. He had slept fine the night before.
I also stopped by to see Dad this evening during dinner. He was enjoying chicken pot pie and a nice lettuce/tomato salad. Seemed too focused on dinner to want to talk to me. I chatted a little with Juana (pronounced Wonna) and Al. They reported that Dad was able to play bingo today without assistance...finding the letters/numbers without help (he didn't do that when I had played with him a couple of weeks ago.) They continue to report that Dad is eating well and having daily bowel movements. I'm not sensing over-concern on their part (at least at this point) about the two incidents with Dad's wake-ups.
However, I have contacted Dad's doctor asking whether he would recommend any kind of medication that could be given to Dad (only as needed) on these nights/instances where he doesn't seem to sleep well and/or gets anxious, agitated or overly confused. Turns out it's not a good idea to give a sleeping pill or "sedative" type of drug as that poses more of a fall risk. He is recommending "Haldol" in a very low dose. My good friend whose husband is a palliative care doctor also recommends it.
Again, the intent would be only to administer on an as-needed basis. When I take the pills over there tomorrow, I"m going to ask that I be contacted whenever they need to give it to him (after the fact of course, but that will allow me to keep track and monitor the situation.)