Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This week - Haldol administered twice

I went to visit Dad today. When I arrived, Dad was asleep in the living room in his recliner. Juana and Al shared with me that on Sunday, Dad was quite anxious, not wanting to sit down, wanting to continue to get up, even after long walks before bed in which Al said his legs were shaking. Dad apparently kept talking about wanting to go somewhere. They administered the Haldol that night, and they said Dad did eventually calm down and sleep through the night. Juana said that for the next couple of days, Dad was very alert and stayed awake during the entire days, no naps. Again, last night he was anxious and they gave him the Haldol. He did go to bed, but they said when they went to see him this morning, they found him lying on the floor (eyes closed, apparently comfortable). He was located in a position in which his feet were partially inside the closet. THere didn't seem to be a sign of a fall. Since the morning, Dad had been sleepy, and that was his situation when I arrived around noon. This is consistent with a pattern I had seen a couple of times where Dad is quite active for a couple of days, and then is VERY sleepy for a couple of days until "leveling" out. Janice was also there today and I discussed it with her as well.

I was able to wake Dad while in his chair to chat with him for a little while. He smiled when I greeted him. The TV was on and a "Music Choice" channel was on. Dad read the words on the TV aloud, and then kept repeating those words "Music Choice". I brought out the multi-photo flip frame and reviewed some of the photos with Dad, asking if he knew who was in the picture. He was able to identify all of his children and Mom, and at some point started saying the names with "choice" afterwards, e.g., "There's Barbara choice" and "That's Jennie choice", etc...

At one point I asked him if he was comfortable living here and he said yes. I left the photo frame open on the dresser with the photo of Cathy & Dad at Emerald Isle a few years ago...Cathy has on a straw-type hat with a rolled brim and it's a close-up from the shoulders up, Dad has on a short-sleeve button shirt that has blues/turquoise in it (remember that one Cathy?)

I just called over there this evening and they reported that Dad was still quite sleepy and would be getting ready for bed soon. I will check in again tomorrow by phone and try to get by again by Friday.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Thanks for putting out the picture, yes I remember it. I have been going through some pictures lately. I am not sure if my hair looks "cool" but I am sure that Dad doesnt' mind!