Friday, May 14, 2010

Even Better Therapy today!

Dad did really great in therapy today. Again I arrived late, but before I got there he had walked down the entire hall, and even gone outside to the front and sat outside! When I arrived, he was heading back down the hallway. The entire time he was saying "I can't do it" and expressing some pain as he would move the right leg (and thus put weight on the left.) But when asked if he wanted to keep walking, he would respond "Yes!" He made it all the way down the hall!

AFter the walks, Dad rested a bit, and then Lucinda had Dad do his leg exercises. He participated in the counting today. He was also interacting more with Lucinda one of the photos you can sort of make out Dad's ever so slight smile towards her.

Lucinda told me that per typical Medicare schedule, Dad would have transitioned to only 2x/week therapy next week, but she said, based on his progress, she thought it would be no problem to keep him at 3x/week, at least for one more week.

Anna reported that yesterday, Dad had walked from the bathroom into the family room. She also said the mornings are going better, though there are still occasions when they are using the lift. Still, getting him from bed to the edge of the bed is still difficult, and he does "cry out" when being assisted to stand, but commented that his stability in standing is much improved.

After therapy, I took Dad outside in his wheelchair to enjoy the sunshine in the backyard. Tried to initiate a game of dominos but he seemed content just to relax, so I gave him a little neck rub and also strolled a little too. When I brought him back in, before leaving, I asked him if he wanted to stay in his room or go into the family room, and he said the family room.

So hope this progress continues!!!


Catherine said...

I am glad Dad is doing better, but having Alzheimers' disease makes any day a bit of a downer.

I saw Dr. Lichstein a few weeks ago and he is amazed that Dad is still hanging in there!

Justine said...

Great news! What a trouper!