Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Dad's therapy session on Friday at 1pm went quite well. THe therapist put a phone book down between his feet, and I explained to him about keeping his feet apart, so he did his sit to stands much better. We actually had him do several repetitions of that (as opposed to taking steps and walking) and he was doing it quite well, with very little assistance in the lifting. I left about 1:45pm after therapy, but spoke later with Haydee who was working from 2-4. When I called she said they were sitting outside (nice day), playing cards and enjoying the weather. Haydee also worked on Saturday morning from 7 to 11. She said Dad did his exercises in bed, and then he got up (with help from Haydee and Al) without the need for the Hoyer lift. She also played card and threw the ball with him, but then she said he got quite sleepy around 10:30am.

THerapy yesterday was not quite as good. Dad was very sleepy and more unresponsive and didn't participate much in the leg exercises. We did eventually do a few sit to stands with some success, though not as good as Friday. Seemed a bit more sensitive today to minimal touches of his arm/back area. When the therapist left, we had moved Dad from the recliner to the wheelchair, so I took him outside to enjoy the sunshine. Couldn't get him to talk much or play ball, so I rubbed his neck/back a little. Walked around some more and he appeared to perk up a little bit from the movement, though when I crossed him over the threshold into the house he screached some "ows" from the "bumps" he must have felt from the wheelchair (though it was very slight.) I left him in his room to watch the baseball game...beef stew was on the stove for dinner a half hour later.

Hopefully therapy will go a little better tomorrow. Haydee is unavailable to work this week and not until the end of next week (planned vacation). Anna worked Sunday Morning, this morning and tomorrow morning...will try to get a report from her tomorrow.

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