Saturday, January 03, 2009

Dad's Weekend

On Saturday, woke Dad around 8:30, showered, shaved, dressed and had breakfast. After breakfast he finally had the BM on the toilet I had been waiting for....and it was a doozy! Watched Baby Mozart with Dylan in the Family Room. Though he seemed to stay awake a bit longer in the morning, he slept a lot when resting between lunch and a walk in the afternoon. Had his Mexican seabass, rice and vegetable leftovers for dinner and seemed to enjoy it more than the first time.

On Sunday, we slept in a little longer...woke him up around 9:15am. On greetings, he consistently is saying he "wants me to set him up". Typically, in the mornings, if he has leaked through his diaper at all, he takes a shower (and when I ask him, he says that's what he wants to do). Otherwise, I use a washcloth with perineal wash and help him wash his "private parts."

After breakfast (today, Fiber 1 honey cluster cereal, Cranberry/OJ, eng muffin with butter and jam, slice of bacon), he had a bowel movement on the toilet. Hopefully he has settled into that routine, as it looks like, based on his daily log, that was about the time he would do it in NC. Though, he ended up having another one around 5pm.

We had a couple brief walks outside---gorgeous clear day, high around 62.

Had Roast Beef & Swiss on Double fiber bread sandwich for lunch, with a banana. Popcorn for late afternoon snack (Kettle corn form the local farmer's market--where I went today during Scrabble), and chicken breast, rice, peas and salad for dinner. Fresh berries and whip cream, with a couple choc chip cookies for dessert. Seems to be eating well.

For his pills, instead of giving them all to him in a small medicine cup, I'm giving them to him 1 or 2 at a time, and having him stick out his tongue for me to place them on to help him swallow them whole, instead of chewing as he had been. It can be a bit challenging as he doesn't seem to fully understand sticking his tongue out, and when he does, won't hold his mouth very open (I'm tyring to get them to the back of tongue.) It does seem to be working in terms of him not chewing the pills though.

Went to bed right before 10pm. Seems difficult for him to get on his side, but we managed it.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I think with several caregivers Dad got used to having someone wipe him. Sometimes I had a hard time getting him to bend over so I could wipe him. But I got to where I would put my hands on his hips and guide him around to have him hold the bar. Also sometimes it is hard for him to walk backwards to the toilet so I guide him there as well.

I have a special pillow to give to you for him to sit on to help prevent and/or alleviate pressure sores. (That is why the doctor encouraged me to have him sleep on his side).

Keeping up with bowel movements is a challenge. One time I stayed with Dad for several hours instead of taking him to the Senior Services because I was worried he might be constipated. And then he calmly had a bm about 2 pm!