Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dad's Recovery at Emerald Isle

I have been to see Dad every day this week since his discharge from the rehab, all the while coordinating with the doctors and Emerald Isle administrators, filling prescriptions, and working with the physical therapists and caregivers on Dad's rehab and hopeful return to pre-fall abilities.

As Justine reported for me, Dad is looking so much better since returning to EI. I'm usually seeing him in mid to late morning, after he has received his morning shower and breakfast. He just seems so much more comfortable and relaxed and has been much more alert and responsive than how he was in the rehab. I really like the physical therapist (Lauri Malloy) ... from the 1st day of therapy (Tuesday), we identified the need to ensure Dad's "buy-in" so to speak in participating in the therapy. I believe that in the rehab, despite the best efforts of the PT Kristen, Dad just was not comfortable with all the shifting, adjusting, poking, prodding that typically goes along with 3 shifts of workers a day, and he developed a fear of moving (understandably due to pain that he had experienced) and truly resisted most efforts to get him up and around (in fact would push back any attempts to even lean forward for example). Furthermore, he seemed to want to sleep all the time, or at least keep his eyes closed (shutting out the world in my view).

Anyway, he is now participating in the PT, thus far standing up from a chair (they have an electric one like Mom's, so they are using that to boost him quite a bit) up to his walker (with arm support on either side helping him up), standing for a period of time, and taking some small steps. The caregivers are reporting that he is usually assisting similarly when going through his various transfers during the day, including shower time, though sometimes he is doing the "ow ow" thing and is getting more of a lift from the caregivers. When I saw him yesterday with the PT, he clearly was showing difficulty or at least not wanting to put much weight on his left leg (same side as broken hip). We are trying to sort out the use of medications to ensure minimal pain, while at the same time not wanting to knock him out. For the most part, he is on a regimen of Two 500mg regular Tylenol, every 6 hours. He was also prescribed Tylenol Codeine as needed for pain, so we (therapist, EI administrator, myself) have been talking about using that 1st thing in the morning to help with the morning hygiene routine and subsequent therapy session to see if it makes a difference, Note that the caregivers (Al, Juana) are fully engaged while the PT is there as well and Lauri has been instructing them on exercises to do with Dad, as well as reinforcing the idea of being patient with Dad, communicating with him what they want/need him to do, and getting him to participate, which seems to be going well.

Also when I was there yesterday I tossed the ball with Dad....therapist was trying to get Dad to raise his arms over his head and he wasn't quite getting it so I showed her this activity which we've been doing with him for the last year. She was pleased to see how engaged Dad was in that activity and encouraged it. We also tried putting it at his feet and asking him to kick it, which he did very slightly with his right foot. He also participated in raising/lowering both legs, both with knees bent and legs extended. We witnessed evidence of more pain in his left leg, particularly when trying to raise the bent knee.

In addition to the PT, who will be seeing Dad 3x/week, the doctor prescribed a home health nurse to come out to administer an injection called Zestril. This is a precaution against clotting which can be common in post-surgical patients. Dad is on a fairly small dose, 2.5 mg, and he will receive it for 7 days.

Thought I'd post a separate note describing Dad's remaining meds to serve as an easily searchable as needed source of info in case needed for the future for whatever reason.

Dad has a follow-up appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon next Friday which I will take him to.

Finally, got Dad's taxes submitted (after having to recreate since having my computer stolen...much easier though as I had documented quite a bit and had some printouts done as well.)

1 comment:

Catherine said...

How about a shower every other day? It might save some movement in the morning until his pain goes away...personally I would continue with having showers 3 times a week. He doesn't have enough activity to merit a shower every day.