Thursday, April 01, 2010


Went to Transition Care Unit at 11am today. There was a planned "team meeting" that the doctor had mentioned yesterday. Each therapist (speech, Physical, Occupational) provided some status on where Dad was with respect to therapies. I had not yet met the OT so I had the opportunity to speak up about Dad's pre-fall capabilities (e.g., could feed himself). Goals were discussed, and doctor (not the same one Justine and I had met the day before) indicated that Dad seemed to have a ways to go, so would definitely not be leaving before Monday the 12th, though they will re-assess at next week's meeting. PT mentioned that she had been unable to arouse Dad earlier in the morning to perform any therapy.

After meeting I went and checked in on Dad and he was sleeping. I tried rousing a few times, got an occasional verbal nod or response with eyes closed, or he would open his eyes for a moment or two...he was definitely not as alert as he had been the morning before when Justine and I were there. I inquired about how he had slept the night before. The nurse said there weren't any notes to say he had been awake in the night. I spoke to the bedside nurse who reported that Dad ate breakfast well. Note that they had removed the catheter, apparently earlier in the day.

Occupational Therapist (not same one who was at meeting) came in a little later and I went over Dad's history with her. She tried doing some grooming with Dad...handed him a wet washcloth and prompted him to wash his face, which he did. Speech therapist arrived shortly after, and lunch arrived. OT left and I worked with Speech to help Dad eat lunch. When Dad knew lunch was in front of him, he did perk up enough, to indicate readiness to eat. Most of the meal though, his eyes were slit and he only opened to find the food. Like the night before last, we would give him the spoon and he would fill the spoon, needing help to ensure spoon was loaded properly, and he also needed help guiding spoon to mouth (he would get it just shy of his mouth.) Towards the end, he was doing better with his aim and was pretty persistent to work through his entire meal.

Dad was doing a lot of complaining when being moved in the bed today...after lunch the bedside nurses needed to change the sheets and with each roll, Dad cried out...not sure how much is pain or just irritation with the process, though I'm sure there is some pain. Today, the dressing had been removed and I could see his sutures on his left thigh. Another odd thing was it appeared he had a bruise on the top of the penis....perhaps from the catheter?

I left around 1:40pm. Around 4pm I got a call from the PT (who offered to call me after doing the therapy)...she was able to move (with help) Dad to the edge of the bed like the day before, and said he stood again a few times, also taking a step to one side. She also mentioned that he was standing straighter than the day before.

At 4:30pm I returned to meet Haydee and show her the place and see Dad. Had Dylan with me so could only stay for a short time, but left Haydee there who was going to stay for a couple of hours. I had brought some magazines and cards as options for her to engage with Dad, when he gets to that point. Spoke to Haydee later this evening who said Dad did eat all his dinner, though still not overly alert. Note that while there, I discussed with Haydee the need to ensure Dad is adequately swallowing with each bite per the instructions from the Speech Therapist.

I will return again tomorow. Spoke with Ken who plans to visit the next two Saturdays. Haydee will be able to spend a few hours with Dad Tu/Th/Fri, and perhaps Mon and Wed as well (if she's not too tired from other job, said she would stop by.)

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