Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Updates for Tuesday/Wednesday

I wasn't able to call yesterday, so got an update today for both days. According to the nurse, Dad is now able to feed himself and eating 100% of his meals (no surprise there!). They have removed the IV needle, since he is no longer receiving the antibiotics. His blood work showed some improvement in levels of hemoglobin. He was transferred from the bed to chair today for a while. In speaking with the therapist she indicated that she is concerned that his pain meds are not working sufficiently. He is clearly in pain and not wanting to do the therapy because of it (although he does cooperate when asked). She talked to the nurse and suggested we consider something stronger. Dad is now very alert and she said he participates in throwing a ball quite willingly. I told her we had been concerned when he was so knocked out after surgery and receiving morphine, but now that he has become more alert would be willing to have the doctor try something stronger so that he is more comfortable during therapy. There will be a team conference tomorrow where this will be discussed. I will speak with the nurse or with Kristin tomorrow to see what they decide.

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